Chapter 2

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Bella POV

It's only been a month or so and my stomach is huge we think there's more than one, no one is wanting me to keep them not even Edward doesn't he want children? I don't even know anymore as my stomach grows my body grows weaker. The only one who is on my side is rose.But as I'm growing weaker nothing is working not even she can help with him, I can't even eat without getting sick.

I was sitting on the couch with everyone when I heard a motorbike drive up and one thought on my mind " is that Jacob" Carlisle walks down to the door I hear him talking I really don't want him hear at this moment but for some reason something in me wants to hear his voice and want him near me.

He walks up to the room we were all in and he looks surprised that I'm alive he tries to get closer but rose steps in the way before he can get anywhere near me "close enough dog".

I try to calm her down "rose it's ok" he comes and sits next to me.

"You look Terrible" I look at him "yea it's nice to see you too" he looks at me "are you going to tell me what's wrong with you"

I look at rose "rose will you help me up" as I stand up Jacob looks at me then Edward he tries to hit him but emmet and jasper stop him "you did this".

Edward looks in pain just talking about hurting me "I didn't know it was possible"

"I can't see Bella's future anymore" Alice pipes in "that thing is doing something to my visions"

Rose rolls her eyes at everyone and looked at Alice angrily "just say it Alice baby it's just a little baby"

Jacob looks at Carlisle "how do we get it out of her" I look at him in shock he wants to get rid of it.

"No" he looks at me in shock "it's up to me and I'm keeping him" he was about to speak but chose against it but I glared at him that shut him up.

"Jacob come with me" asks Edward leading him to the forest I just rub my stomach trying to calm down my nerves.

Edward POV

I lead Jacob out side "will she survive" I look at him "she thinks Carlisle can change her in time".

"Your turning her" I look at him "don't you want her Alive" I stare at him reading his mind.

"Either say her heart stops beating" he starts to get angry "In giving you permission to kill me if she doesn't survive" he nods at me.

" but will you talk to her your her best friend maybe you can convince her" he nods and walks back into the house.

Jacob POV

I walk into the room Bella was in with blondie she tries to stop me "rose it's ok" she then let me past and walks away to her mate "are you trying to stop me" she looks at me and frown.

"I don't think that would be any help when have you ever listened To me"
She smile a small smile but losses it and holds her stomach "you can't keep it Bella" She looks up and glares.

"I'm keeping it Jake" I look at her likes she's crazy "there my little boys"

"But its monsters,its killing you" I say angrily "it's going to kill you Bella" I go over to her "this thing is going to kill you"

She looks at me with the most betrayed look "I'm keeping him Jacob but if you don't like that then you can leave."

I get up and run out the door I get to my bike my body temperature starts beating up I kick the bike over and shift all the thoughts of Bella being pregnant running through my head I keep running but stop to howl as it echoes throw the forest reaching the pack."

Soon after that we start running to the logs.
But soon Sam breaks it up "we have to kill it before it's born" I look at him in surprise but Seth answers first "and kill Bella" he looks at him "yes to protect the tribe"

"But she's him our protecting applies to her" I look at him but Leah answers "she's dyeing  anyway" I growl at her but Sam shuts us up "NO I won't hurt Bella" he starts growling making me submit to him but I stop him "No I'm the grandson of the chief I wasn't born to follow you" I stand up taller than him as her submits to me then shoving him.

As I walk to the Cullen's house I here a tree snap as Seth comes out "you can't be here Seth" Seth looks at me funny "why can't I" he looks at me sadly "I don't want to hurt Bella or the baby" I just nod at him "fine you can come" he smiles and runs over to me "to bros taking on the world" I roll my eyes "shut up Seth."

We walk to the Cullen house but we here someone else "Leah what are you doing here" she looks at me "protecting my baby brother" as she said that Seth whines "Leah" I roll my eyes at them "Leah go back to Sam" she rolls her eyes "I'm used to not being wanted Jacob, and Sam Doesn't know I left" as she was that a howl was heard "that's not just it I know his plan" as she said that I nod "come on then."

(11 hours later sponge bob voice)

Bella POV

Turns out they like blood it helps them we were all in the living room while Esme,Carlisle and emmet went to hunt Edward gave me my cup but it fell out of my hand I reach out to grab it but before I could my back gave out with a sickening "SNAP"

To be continued...........

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