chapter 12

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Bella POV

As we watched the voltori walk out in a line as aro went in front of all his little followers "arose looking for Alice" as he searched around for her. As we hear howls I look over to see the wolfs as Jacob and Seth stand beside us.

As Carlisle stands in front "aro let us discuses like we used too in a civilised matter" aro looked at the twins creepily.

"Fair words Carlisle but a Little out of place considering the Battalion against me" as Carlisle looked at him "believe me this was never my intention".

As I looked at Elizabeth and renesmee as Carlisle spoke "no laws have been broken" as aro smiled at the twins making me hold them tighter "we see the children, do not treat us as fools".

As Carlisle looked around at them angrily "they are not immortal" he looks at us "these witnesses can attest to that or you can look" as he looks at the twin "see the flesh of blood in there cheeks" as aro holds his hand up.

"I will collects every facet of the truth from Someone more central to the story" he then looked at my husband "Edward as one clings to you and your new born mate, I assume you are involved" as Edward looked looked at the twins and had one last look at me and walked over to Aro as I pulled Elizabeth and renesmee over to jake and Seth.

As Edward walks over to Aro as her placed a hand on Edward he smiles and looks at us "I'd like to meet them" as he looked at us I grabbed the girls hands and looked at Seth and jake and looked over at emmet and nodded my head and walked over to aro.

As we got over there Aro looked at me and smiles "ah Bella immortality becomes of you" I just smile at him as he looks down at the girls. As renesmee looks at him scared Elizabeth steps forward "Hello Aro" as she placed her hand on his cheek.

After she showed him there lives he was looking at them in wonder "magnifico half human half immortal created when she was still humans" as one of the guard looks at him "impossible" Aro looked at him "do you think they fouled me brother" as I gran Elizabeth hand I walked over to our side as Jacob growls at them "bring the informer".

As they bring out irina "are those the children you seen" as she looks at them "no they children are bigger" as she looked at us "then your aligns were falls" she looks at Aro "the Cullen's are innocent, I take full blame for my actions" as she looks over at me and the twins "I'm sorry" as I looked over the guards had a torch of fire.

Elizabeth POV
As two of aros guards grab her and twist her arms off I pulled Nessie into my neck as I looked over I seen my aunts run over to there fallen sister. As mommy picked me up and placed me on jake and Nessie on Seth we looked over at the Denali as seen that they were blinded as daddy tried to talk them out of it.

As daddy stopped them from attacking one of Aros guards looked at daddy and said pain all at once he fell to the ground as I looked at mommy I spread our shields up around all of us as daddy started to get up as his guard looked at us all in shock as she looked looked at mommy who was smirking.

As the boy version of the girl was spreading black smoke from his hands as grandpa Carlisle looked over at them "as you can see Aro there is no law broken here" as he looked at us Aro smiled madly "Yes Carlisle but how can we ensure that for once in our lifetime humans cause a threat to us with there modern technology had given birth to weapons that could destroy us as we now nothing of what these children become can we live with such things we spare a fight today only to die tomorrow" as he finished his dramatic speech mommy looked ready to kill.

As I was looking around I saw aunt Alice "aunt Alice" as everyone stopped and looked over at her and uncle jasper walking into the clearing as I looked over to Aro to see him smiling creepily "Alice".

As they walked over to them she nodded her head to us as she got over there she was stopped by the guards "I have evidence the children won't be a threat to our kind as she placed her hand out "let me show you" as he grabbed her hand and I was sucked into a vision.

Bella POV

As Alice took her hand away "it doesn't matter what I show you you'll never change your mind" as she turned to me and mouthed "now" I looked over at Jake and Seth "take care of my babies" they nodded there heads and ran out the clearing when a voice appeared in my head "we love you mommy forever and always" I smile and look at them "forever and always".

As I looked over to Alice to see kicked Aro into the air when guards grabbed her Carlisle looked over at her "NO" as he ran to Aro they both jumped and collided into each other as Aro got to the ground with Carlisle head. We all looked in shock as Esme cried "Aro" as we all start fighting.

As we fight many of us we're losing bad as the voltori was killing us off Ben looked about and hit the ground cracking into the ground as some of us fell with the guards I look over at Edward as he falls down. I look in shock but calm down as he jumps back up killing the guard s as I look around I just hope my daughters are safe.
Elizabeth POV
As we ran away from the clearing while a vampire chased us I looked back as it was catching up on us I placed my hand on him "jake.....jake.....Jacob look out".

Jake POV 
As me and Liz ran in the forest I heard a howl from Sam Leah was dead I just stare in shock as I didn't hear the footsteps behind me "Jake.....jake......Jacob" as I look at the vampire I jump up attacking him and rolling over and keep running with my imprint.

Vision over

As I was sucked out the Vision "that's what happens if you choose to fight" Aro looks at Alice "but how do we know they are not a threat" aunt Alice smiled "I searched from the tribes of Brazil and found witnesses of my own" as I looked over I see two people walk over to the voltori.

"I am half human half vampire like the children the vampire seduced my mother who died giving birth to me my aunt raised me as her own I made her immortal" as mommy looked at him "how old are you" as he looks at us "150 years" as Aro looks at him "at what age did you reach Maturity" he looks at Aro "I became fully grown 7 years after my birth I have not changed since then" as mommy looked at me and Nessie and smiled at us.

As Aro looked in shock "and your diet" he looks at him "blood and human food I can survive on ever" as one of the older guys looked at us in amazement "these children are much like us" Aro looks at us "dear ones no fight today there is no danger here" as they left Aro looked at us all "such a prize".

As they ran from the clearing the Romanians looked at us "what is wrong with you we must fight" we all shake our heads as grandpa Carlisle looks at them "we mustn't fight today" they left the clearing muttering fools.

I got of of jacob and run to mommy and hug her as daddy hugged Nessie as the wolfs left I waved at Jake as he Howells.

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