Chapter 9

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Elizabeth POV
Lots of vampires have shown up at the house me and Nessie where playing in the snow with grandma Esme while everyone was talking me and Nessie don't know what's happening as grandma was talking to Seth. me and Nessie sneaked away to a window near the room I pulled a shield round us and snuck till we heard daddy "Carlisle's not asking you to fight but I am" me and Nessie looked at each other we heard the others "but what is it they go after you for your gifts so I'm asking for u too fight not just for my family but yours too" as we looked at each other and slowly walked away.

As we got outside "where did you girls go" we turn around and smiled "we seen a baby fox we followed it" she smiled at us as we looked at each other "what's going to happen Liz"shake my head "don't know Nessie"  as everyone came outside mommy and daddy picked us up and took us home.

As we got home me and Nessie got dressed for bed daddy took her to bed as mommy tucked me and read me a story as she got up to leave as she turned of the light I turned to her as the light shines on her skin "mommy did aunt Alice and uncle jasper leave because where going to die" as she looked at me in shock as she came over to me "I think they left to keep us safe, now go to sleep" as I cuddled into her cold skin "night mommy" she kissed my head "night baby" as I drifted into sleep.

As I woke up I got changed and ran down the stairs as I got there I seen Jake "jake" his head snapped up I hugged him as mommy smiled at me "where going to grandpas house" I smile and run up the stairs to Nessie as we got dressed we ran to the car with mommy, Jake and us.

As we sat in the car mommy and Jake talked "so you having a break from Jedi training" mommy glares at him "dad wanted to come but 15 vampires and a human not good" as they laugh me and Nessie look at them funny.

As we got to the house grandpa came out the house as we ran to him "grandpa" as he hugged us "what are you getting feed" as mommy looked at us "girls go inside I have to run to do some things" as mommy left we went inside to see Seth and Leah with sue as Nessie ran to Seth and Leah .as I sat with Jakie as Nessie and Seth decorated the tree as Nessie looked at me "Liz do you want to put the star on top of the tree".

I smile at her and get the star I look over at jake "Jakie can you help me" he smiles at me "of Course Lizzie" as he lifts me up as I place the star on the tree.

Jacob POV
As I lift Lizzie at the top of the tree I could feel a angry glare as I placed her down "Liz go with Nessie and Seth" she smiled at me as I was about to talk to him when bella walked in I mentally thank her as Charlie wanted to talk to her. She looked at me I shook my head as they leave I go over to Lizzie as I sat down she sat on my lap she smiled at me.

Charlie POV
As I pulled bella aside to talk to her about jacob and Lizzie "how you feel about Jacob and Lizzie" as soon as I said that she looked at me funny "I don't mind, why what's wrong has something happened" she looked ready to kill "no it's just weird don't you think how they always together, she can't go anywhere without him" she looks relieved "there just really close dad, what about Seth he's always with Ness" I look at her " he's not as old as Jacob" she rolls her eyes "let's not talk about this now" she spins around "Liz,Nessie come on we're going" they come running along with liz holding Jacobs hand.

As we leave grandpa was rolling his eyes at us I look confused as we left I asked mommy I placed my hand on her cheek "what happened with grandpa" she smiles at me "don't worry honey lets just go home.

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