Part 10

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Bella POV

Tomorrow was Christmas and maybe the last few days with my baby's I sat in my bedroom looking at all the pictures of us. I picked one up of me and Elizabeth.

Then a one of renesmee and Edward.

Then one of Elizabeth and Jacob. I try not to smile at it but in the end he will protect my daughter.

And the next one is of Seth and renesmee. I smile at the two of them of how cute they both are.

And the last is a college of our family of renesmee and Elizabeth and us.

 I let out a dry sob and hold the picture to my chest as I sat it in the girls sot-case I place clothes,money and there passports and along with Jacobs and Seth's I sat down at the desk and wrote down a letter of why me and Edward had to go away I...

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I let out a dry sob and hold the picture to my chest as I sat it in the girls sot-case I place clothes,money and there passports and along with Jacobs and Seth's I sat down at the desk and wrote down a letter of why me and Edward had to go away I placed it down. As someone walked into the room. I turned to see Alistair.

Elizabeth POV
Me and Nessie where in the living room with grandma esme making cookies for Tomorrow as it was Christmas. as we had done me and Nessie were covered in flour. Aunt rose laughter at the both of us "you girls and covered you better get cleaned for bed for Santa coming" we both giggled and ran into the bath room.

As we got cleaned and dressed into pjs we ran down the stairs to mommy and daddy, I ran over to mommy she looked sad I placed my hand over her cheek "are you okay mommy" she smiled at me "yea I'm fine honey, now lets go home it's Christmas tomorrow" me and renesmee giggle at each other.

As we left the house we seen the other vampires and waved at at them me and Nessie looked at me "did u draw them" I smiled at her and nodded. We and Nessie have a surprise for mommy and daddy and Seth and Jacob" once me and Nessie got home we ran to out rooms as we got into bed mommy read us a story of little red ridding hood it was my favourite.

As I fell into sleep mommy kissed my head and I fell into a peaceful dream "as I spun in the snow and laughed but it stopped when I seen a hand I looked up at and seen fighting all my family I screamed as my family was killed then men in cloaks seen me and grabbed me" I shot up and started crying as mommy and daddy and jakie.

Mommy speed over to me "honey what's wrong" she placed me on her lap and stroked my head I looked at her and started crying.

Daddy looked at me "she had a nightmare, about the fight" he looks at me then mommy who looks like if she could cry she would.

Mommy look at me "don't worry honey it's just a dream,do u want someone to stay with you" I look at her and place my hand over her cheek."can Jacob stay" she smiles at me "jake can you stay".

He smiles at me "yea come on liz" as I was placed in his hands and placed my head on his shoulder "you okay Lizzie" Nessie's voiced filled my head. I smile at my sisters concern "yea I'm okay Nessie just a bad dream" I rest my head on jakies shoulder and slowly fell asleep into a dreamless sleep.

*next morning*

I woke up the next morning on the couch with Jacob and I remembered it's Christmas "Jacob wake up it's Christmas" he opens his eyes at me "ok,ok I'm up" I smile at him and run into nessie's room "Nessie wake up" she rolls over "what Lizzie" I jump on her bed "its Christmas" as I said that she jumped up and grabbed my hand "why are we standing around,let's get mommy and daddy" as we run into the living room to mommy and daddy. I run over to mommy "merry Christmas mommy" she smiles at me.

As we got our presents we left for granny and grandpa we seen everyone and got gifts as we left for grandpas house we got our presents for mommy and daddy and Seth and Jackie.

As we got into the car we got our presents we both looked at each other "mommy we got you and daddy presents" we got our backpacks and got our presents. I pulled out mommy and daddy's present.
It was a beautiful drawing of mommy and daddy in there wedding day

They both looked shocked Nessie looked at them "Lizzie drew it" they both looked at me I blushed at the attention. "It's beautiful girls" we both smiled at each other "Seth,Jackie we got you something" they smiled at us. I got jackies one and Nessie got seths.
It was two beautiful drawing of Jake and Seth in there wolf forms .

We gave them the picture and they both smiled at us "thanks Lizzie and Nessie there beautiful" we both blushed at the compliment. "Come on honey we're going to grandpa Charlie's".

Thanks for all the votes and reads if you want to know who did my cover LadyLoba1801 she's amazing at covers so cheek her out 😘, and I don't own the picture I found it on the internet and I forgot I even have it in my book and I don't know the owner of the picture.

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