Chapter 4

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Elizabeth POV

Me and Nessie where talking to each other in our minds when aunt Rose and Alice comes over and picks us up and takes us into the living room where daddy and Jacob and a boy like Jacob but a little smaller I reach my hands out to Daddy has comes over and picks me up I put my hand on his cheek "who is that boy" I imagine a picture of him he smiles at me "that's Seth Clearwater" I smile and wave at him he smiles at me and waves but when Nessie starts to laugh he turns around and looks at her with a funny look as daddy passes us to aunty Rose and aunty Alice to takes Jake and Seth outside.

As aunty rose and Alice feed us both they quickly gave us a bottle of blood and a little bit of blood as I'm more vampire I like the blood but as Nessie is a little more human she likes less blood as I was placed on aunty rose back as she burped me as I gave out a tiny noise, I saw Jake and Seth walk back in.

I reach my hands up for Jake he smiles at me but looks at daddy if he can pick me up daddy nods his head jackie comes and picks me up "want to see something awesome lizzie" i nod "why don't you ask your daddy" i look over at daddy he glares at jakey but his eyes soften at me.

Jacob POV
Im going to show lizzie my wolf form i take her to a clearing and sat her down she claps her hands and smiles at me i go a safe distance from her and get out of my clothes and shift i walk over to her i thought that she would of been scared but she started giggling and clapping in i walk over to her and put my head down next to her.

She her hand on my cheek "hi Jake" i put my head near her face and she cuddles into my head i quickly shift to my human form and get changed i pick her up she just giggles as i tickle her as we get into the house they look at her as she giggles and they laugh she puts her hand on my cheek "can we play nessie and seth" she gives me puppy eyes i cant say no "ok fine".

We go outside and find them with leah she starts laughing nessie hears this and looks over but what shocks us the most at the words that come out of her mouth "N.Nessie" i look at lizzie in shock "we need to see Carlisle" we all rush in.

"Carlisle" all the family come over to see whats wrong "she spoke" we took them to his office. Lizzie went first because Nessie was scared when they had done both he done some tests.

"So lizzie is 60% vampire and 40% human" he then looks at Nessie "but Nessie is 50% vampire and 50% human" we look at the girls.

They doth smile at us we cant help but smile back at them lets hope Bella wakes up soon but lets hope she doesn't kill me.

No ones POV

As the day went on for the to half human-half vampire babies as they grew some more they started to grow some teeth and the vampires grew worried how long they had with them.

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