Chapter 6

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Elizabeth POV

Me and Nessie have been growing extremely fast everyone is worried how much time they would have with us there worried they don't say it but when ever we walk into a room they all stop talking and frown we don't look like twins anymore I look a year older.

Today mommy was taking me and Nessie hunting in the real forest aunt Alice already set my clothes out. as I got changed and brushed my hair I ran  into Nessie seeing as she is asleep I ran over and jumped on her bed "Nessie wake up" but she wasn't waking up so I started "wake up Nessie" .

She woke up with a start she glared at me "what do you want Elizabeth" I smiled at her and start jumping again "where going to play in the snow, we can ask Seth and Jacob?" as I said Seth her eyes light up and she smiles as she got changed once she was changed I done her hair.

As we ran down the stairs to get breakfast we seen mommy and daddy talking "mommy,daddy" there heads both snapped to us and there faces light up I ran over to mommy as Nessie ran to daddy.

"Hi mommy" she smiles at me passing me a bowl of fruit and a cup of blood I start to eat she kisses my forehead "hi baby" se goes and hands Nessie her food "mommy is Jackie coming" mommy smiles at me "I think he's at the main house honey we can ask him" I smile and finish my food.

As we get out side and walk over to the other house as we got inside I was picked up by aunt Rose "hi honey" I smile at her with aunt Alice picked up Nessie as I talked to aunt Rose when Jake and Seth came into the room I smile and jumped out aunt roses arms "Jake" hi head snap to me and his smile grows he pick me up and hugs me. I her aunt Rose groan and mumble "stupid mutt" Jake growls at her she just rolls her eyes  "Jake will you come play in the snow  with us" he smiles at me "yea Liz" I laugh and he puts he down and me and Nessie get our jackets.

As me and Nessie play in the snow we run around in the snow when I stop and spot a baby deer I watch it play in the snow "Nessie" she comes over and smiles as if ran with its mother. we spot Jake and Seth as wolves with mommy I smile at Nessie "race you" as we go speeding of into a clearing I look at mommy "can we catch snow flakes.

As we jump up to the sky and we pick a perfect snowflake as mommy talks to Jake and Seth as we jump down we run over "mommy look at snowflake" I say she looks at both of us "there beautiful,go catch another one" as me and Nessie jump back up I look over at a mountain "Lizzie,who is that" I shake my head.

As we got down "mommy who is that" she looks at the blond lady "that's our cousin from Denali" she looks at the lady "irina" the lady looks at me and Nessie in horror then at both Jake and Seth and quickly speeds off, mommy turns to us "protect them" and runs after her.

As mommy comes back we head home we were all in the living room daddy and Nessie and me were playing the piano while mommy watched with everyone else as me and Nessie played the piano.

Aunt Alice comes into the room and stops as like time slowed down, a slice dropped the vase she was holding as she and Nessie turned to as as daddy grabbed my shoulder mommy beckons Nessie and me over to her. Grandpa Carlisle look at Alice as uncle jasper helps her "the volturi are coming for us" mommy and daddy grabs us both.

Daddy looks at mommy "what happened" mommy was about to answer but answered "liv and ness where catching snowflakes" daddy looks at me and Nessie "she thinks there immortal children" mommy looks at us both and hand to to aunt Rose as well as Nessie and they leave the room.

Bella POV
We went into the study and look at books of the children "they were so enchanting to be hear them was to love them, but there development was frozen the age they were turned they couldn't be taught or restrained they could destroy an entire village with a single tantrum, humans heard about the devastating and rumours spread, since children couldn't keep our secret they had to be destroyed" Carlisle should me a book "there creators became very attached and fought to protect them unestablished covens torn apart and countless humans killed traditions,friends and family torn apart lost" I look at him the Denials mother made an immortal child" he looks at me "yes and she payed the price"

"But Elizabeth and Renesmee aren't bitten they grow every single day" Carlisle looks at me "we have no proof" Jake looks at him "then we fight" Carlisle looks at him "that would be a death sentence" Edward looks at him "no but we can have witnesses, Carlisle you have thousands of friends they can help" Carlisle looks in thought "maybe they can help"

Elizabeth POV

As me and Nessie were lying on my bed "what do you think happened Liz" I look over at my baby sister "I don't know Nessie" she looked at me "I'm scared Lizzie aunt Alice said that funny word, what do you think it means" I look at her "I don't know Nessie I won't let anyone hurt you sis" as we waited we talked about what happened "what do u thinks wrong" I look over at my sister "I hope nothing Nessie" I look over at her "let's just try and sleep sis good night" she looks at me "night lizzie"

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