letter 548

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present time

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Dear Luke,

             You'll never guess what I just ran across the other day while I was rearranging my bedroom. The first letter you ever sent me. I nearly peed myself laughing. You were so weirded out by me! You would have thought I sent you a corpse in the mail or something. 

             I bet you never thought that you'd end up charmed by my charming ways and become friends with me, did you? I surely never thought that I would ever be anything but enemies with the boy who crushed my romantic story with Ryan.

           (can we never talk about Ryan again, though. Let's pretend I never brought him up. You'll never guess what he's been up to lately. Let's just say that Ryan Jr. is in the works. Thank god you guided me away from that piece of work.)

            Your life is so much more interesting with mine. It's pretty sad when I'm looking forward to your letters with hope that you'll share with me some exciting. I finished another one of my paintings; I suppose that's exciting. (not really). It's awful and with every painting I do, I watch my dreams of becoming a famous artist go out the window. 

            Here I go again, going on and on about how I have no idea where my life is going. You wanna know how stressed I've been lately? I dropped the book I was reading off the side of my bed and cried because I couldn't find my place again.

             So that's the current state of my mental health. 

             But don't worry about me (because you know how much I hate that) because soon I'll hit the realization with what I'm going to do with my life and everything will be happy. I'll be able to paint again; my mom will be able to have a conversation without sending me into an anxiety attack; my letters will be less annoying. (that last one isn't a promise, of course...)

           So, all-in-all, I'm just as frazzled as I always am. Just this time I'm a frazzled girl that has an incredibly hilarious letter from a seventh grade jerk pinned to my walls, right next to the poem he wrote me. 

          Hope you're doing well, of course. I look forward to your letter, of course. I hope to hear from you soon, of course.


                                      Isobel Lockett


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