letter 550

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Dear Lukey (bringing this back because you hate it so much),

             I'm not sure if I believe you threw out my letter. I'm sure you have it tacked above your bed and you give it a goodnight kiss before you go to bed. Because deep down I know you're just as much of pathetic hopeless romantic as the rest of us (or at least I'm telling myself that so I don't feel as stupid).

              And I did have to reply to your letter bashing mine and Ryan's tragically romantic love story. I had to defend my honor, you see. Because at that moment, I was a hundred percent confident that Ryan was my soul mate.

               Seventh graders should be kept far away from a paper and pencil... Though I suppose if I hadn't gone out on a limb like the little daredevil I was, I wouldn't have gotten to know you (still debating whether it's a bad or a good thing...). 

                 Why am I not surprised that you played hero to your friends over the weekend? (what are their names again? Mikey, Calum and Ashton, right?) I feel like you go around doing good deeds in your spare time. That's just you. Your friends - and I for that matter - are lucky to have you. 

               And I'm glad somebody believes in me. Thanks Lukey, that means a lot. I just wish I were as confident in the future as you were. Not knowing what's going to happen to my entire life drives me absolutely mad. I could end up marrying some abusive idiot and work a mindless job and have three bratty little children who eat with their feet on the table. Who knows?

              I'll send you a painting when you send me some song lyrics. It's literally killing me that you won't share any with me. I know you're amazing. There's nothing that you're not amazing at. It's incredibly frustrating, let me tell you that. 

                         Love (who knows, you could need it today),

                                Isobel Lockett

          P.S. And Christine and Ryan? When I said Ryan Jr. was in the works, who did you think was carrying the little creature? (And no, I am not kidding...)



just wanted to let everyone know that isobel's letters are written by me and luke's letters are written by kenzi [@AfternoonDelight] 

we both appreciate everyone's love for this story. it makes us very very very very very very happy <3

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