Just Another Manic Monday

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"Come on, Avery!" I yelled out of the car. "We're going to be late!" Avery flipped me off as she walked slowly from her house to the car.  Unlike Bellen and me, Avery had packed lightly.  She had a backpack, while I'd brought a suitcase.  Sure, we weren't going out, but I was going to be living with a boy; I didn't want him to think I was a slob.  Besides, David hadn't mentioned how often he'd be doing laundry.  Finally Avery got into the car and we were off.

"You guys packed way to much!  We're not going off to war." Avery stated.  I rolled my eyes and could tell that Bellen was doing the same.  As much as I love Avery, she can be a pain in the ass.

"I still like variety, even when I'm not going out." Bellen justified.

"Okay, I guess I'll give you that." Avery shrugged.

"So, is anyone else nervous?  Or is it just me?" I asked, noting that it was usually just me.

"I've lived with boys all my life; I think I'd be more nervous living with a girl." Avery said, picking at her cuticles.

"Yeah, I'd have to say, I'm not nervous either.  I mean, it's just a guy." Bellen shrugged.  Of course they weren't nervous; who did I think I was talking to?  Avery had been raised by a single dad and had three older brothers; she was basically a guy.  And Bellen, well, she's usually as cool as a cucumber when it comes to guys.  She sees everyone as equal and could care less what people think of her.  I was jealous of my friends.  Around most guys, I tended to freeze up and lose all interesting conversation.

"But what if they're super cute?" I asked.

"Um, no offense, but I don't know if David has any super cute friends." Avery said.

"Hey, be nice!  David is awesome, and he does have super cute friends.  At lunch he sat with Alex Hanson and Carthridge Wright; the jocks love David!" I defended.

"Yeah, and so do the preps.  All the rich kids fawn over him; it's sick!" Bellen complained.  Usually Bellen was the queen of nice and positivity, but she absolutely detested rich people.  Living in a wealthy North Eastern city wasn't fun for Bellen at all, because of this.

"Yeah, besides, Carthridge Wright isn't even that cute." Avery said, gagging. "Alex, however, is a total babe.  I mean, his bone structure is impeccable!"

"Wow, that's a lot coming from you, Avery." Bellen giggled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Avery asked.

"It means, that Alex must be a stunner if you like him.  I mean, you usually don't gush over many guys." I helped to explain.

"And we all know you like blondes." Bellen added.

"I don't just like blondes." Avery corrected.  I could see why she would like blondes, though.  Avery had long, brown hair and brown eyes.  And if the saying 'opposites attract' was true, then she should be all over blonde hair and blue eyes like white on rice.

"Okay, we're here!" I announced cheerfully.

"No wonder all the preps love David." Avery said looking at his house. "He probably has more money than them combined."

We took out all of our luggage and I locked up my car, realizing that I wasn't going to be seeing my baby for three weeks.  We walked up to the house and rang the doorbell.  I looked down at my watch; it was 8:45 already.  David opened the door and gave us a quick smile.

"You're late." He said sternly, losing his smile.

"Go suck and egg!" Avery shouted shoving her backpack into David's arms.  He was so skinny that the sheer force almost knocked him over.  Avery laughed and took the bag from him. "Sorry string bean, didn't mean to push you over."

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