Reckoning Day

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I looked at the clock and it was 6:47.  Friday was winding to a close and it had been an awesome day.  Carthridge hadn't said a single word to me.  It was beautifully zen and peaceful; Bellen would've loved it.  However, of course, this douche bag had to ruin the evening by playing his music incredibly loud.  I'd ignored it for the greater half of this hour, but I was starting to get really annoyed.  It's not like I wanted to start something, but I had to say something, otherwise I would've been driven to the brink.  My dad told me never to keep emotions bottled up.

"Would you mind turning that down a little?" I asked, rather politely too.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because, it's kinda loud." I said, making sure I wasn't too bitchy.

"Fine." He said rolling his eyes and turning down his music.

"It's a fucking Christmas miracle." I smiled.

"What?" He asked, confused (as always).

"Nothing, just nothing.  You wouldn't understand." I shrugged.

"What?  I'm too stupid for you?" He asked, obviously offended.

"No.  We just don't have the same humor." I explained.

"Whatever." He said with hostility.

"Come on." I rolled my eyes and through my book down. "I'm being really civil and you are being so pissy."

"Are you kidding?" He scoffed. "You didn't have to say anything to me after I turned down my music."

"You could've just turned down your music without being so resistant." I pointed out.

"Resistant?  I'd say I was pretty cooperative with you." He sneered.

"Cooperative?  Way to use a big word correctly." I stupidly mocked.  I did have to admit, I didn't have to cross that line, but he often pulled it out of me.

"Okay, Avery.  Let's go." He said standing up.

"We can't leave, that's part of the experiment." I said, like the smart ass I am.

"No.  For real.  You and I.  No holding back.  Telling each other how we really feel." He said, with a stone cold expression.  I didn't know how to react, so I sat there, for the first time in a while, quiet. "Fine.  I'll go first." He cleared his throat. "I think you're a stuck up bitch who needs to get off her high horse.  You're not always right and you are for sure not better than me.  I know things about you and exactly what type of girl you are."

"You know things about me?  Ooh, I'm so scared." I mocked, standing up. "You know shit about me."

"Really, because Kyle and I have shared some intimate details." He smirked.  I could feel the color drain from my face.

"Fine.  My turn to say how I really feel.  You're nothing but a pretentious jerk.  You think you're the hottest guy around and you can't fathom that not every girl doesn't want you.  Well, news flash, you're not that great looking.  And even if you were, you're not smart, you're immature, and you're going no where.  High school was you're peak and it's all down hill from here."  The room fell silent for a second and Carthridge just shook his head.

"Maybe you're right Avery, but at least I don't get my kicks from tearing other people down.  You know, everyone can see you like Alex, and he might've even given you a chance if you hadn't opened your mouth.  He told Kyle and I that you were the biggest bitch he'd ever met and we both agreed.  Kyle regrets doing anything with you and he only tells people to spite you." Carthridge admitted.

I felt a little sick inside.  That was a lot to take in, but I guess I needed to hear it.  I didn't want to waste my time with Alex if he hated me.

"So what if they hate me.  I have lot's of people who love me." I said back.

"Like who?  Petra and Bellen are only friends with you, because they're nice and pity you!" He yelled.

"As long as we're talking about pity." I laughed. "Why do you think Tanner and Dave are friends with you?  It's definitely not because you add intelligence to they're conversations.  You're basically an over glorified bodyguard."

"At least I didn't lose my virginity on the first date in the back of a Toyota." He said.

There was a large silence that filled the room.  I held back tears.  I hated to think about how many people knew that and were judging me for it.  It hurt so much that Carthridge had used that against me.  That was low, but Kyle had shared some things with me too.

"At least my parents care about me." I shoved the knife into his heart.

"You're a bitch."

"Just being honest." I said, letting a tear roll out of my eyes. 

I looked up at Carthridge.  I knew he'd never cry, but he kinda looked like he would.  That was a low blow on my part and I felt like a monster for saying that.  We looked in each other's eyes for a second and it was the first time we were truly honest with each other.  I was about to apologize to him, when he suddenly grabbed me and kissed me.  At first I thought it was a fake kiss, to piss me off, but I could tell it was sincere.  I didn't know what to do other than kiss him  back, so I did.  It might've been the biggest mistake, I'd ever made, but it felt right.


I kissed her and she kissed me back.  It was a good kiss too.  It broke, though.  We looked at each other for a couple seconds and then we turned away.  After that we returned to our separate areas and didn't talk.  It was so awkward.  The most fucking awkward thing ever.  But what were we supposed to say?  'Oh, hey, we just kissed and it was awesome, but I still hate you'.  No.  There was nothing to say.  We were both really distraught in that moment and made a mistake.  I made a mistake.  Jesus Christ, I am an idiot.

Dear Journal,

So hey Dave.  I know I haven't ever wrote in this thing, so sorry about that.  Um, I don't think this is gonna be much help, because I'm a shit writer, but I have nothing else to do.  So me and Avery got in this huge fight.  Not as loud as usual, but as you probably know, it was harsh.  I said some things and she said things.  And we kissed.  I wish you could give me advice, because I've hit rock bottom as you can probably tell by me coming to YOU for advice about girls.  She just makes me angry and that make me want to kiss her and that's all pretty messed up, so since you're the brain dude, I figured you could diagnose me maybe.  I don't know.  Just so fucking confused.  Yeah.  later.

Also, if my sister comes by, just ignore her.  She's really weird.

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