The Brawl to End it All

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"Are we going to talk about this?" He asked me.

"No, because you know what happens every time we do." I told him. "We talk about how awkward it is, then we start fighting like normal, and then we make out."

"And is that really a bad thing?" Carthridge asked.

"Are you kidding me?" I was appalled.  This sick cycle needed to end, but he wanted it to go on?  Asshole.

"No.  Oh, come on Avery, you have to admit that you like it!"

"No, I don't have to admit it, because I don't like it!" I yelled.

"Bull shit!  Don't pretend that you don't love it when I kiss your-"

"Stop!  Just stop, because maybe in the moment I like it, but it's the emotion behind it that pisses me off.  Actaully it's the fact that there is no emotion behind it!" I screamed; I couldn't believe him right now.

"That's the beauty!  No emotion." He told me.

"You're unbelievable!" I rolled my eyes.  Suddenly, he was leaning in to kiss me, so i slapped him across his stupid face.

"What the hell!" He waled.  

"What do you mean 'what the hell'?  I should be the one screaming 'what the hell'!  You tried to fucking kiss me."

"Yeah, and usually you let me." Hi said, rubbing his cheek.

"Have you even been listening to me for the past couple minutes?" I asked in wonderment.

"I try not to listen to you, because honestly your voice aggravates me.  And not just your voice," Carthridge started. "Your face, your lack of personality, and the way that you act like your so much better than me!"

"Oh, so were back to this argument again!  Well maybe I think that, because it's true!  It's hard not to be better than someone who can't even spell his name!"

"Is that the best you've got?" He challenged.

"You probably can't even tie your own shoe laces.  Do you have mommy and daddy do that for you?" I mocked knowing that I was crossing into dangerous waters, but not caring at all.  I was fed up and tired of everything and so was he.  This fight was like no fight we'd ever had before.  We were literally screaming at the top of our lungs, not caring how much we heart the other person.

"Wow, nice comeback, learn shit like that from Kyle?" He mocked.

"Even better comeback." I gave him a pretend clap. "To hurt me you're going to have to use something a little more original."

"So you want me to hurt you?" He asked.

"I'd just fucking love it!" I said sarcastically.

"That's some masochistic bull, Avery.  You couldn't take it and you know it, so don't make me go there!" He said, pointing his finger at me.

"Suprised you know such a big word like that, learn it from your parents?  Whoops, probably not, because they're never there are they?  Where are they Carthridge, tell me right now!" I demanded.

"Wow, you're a really fucked up bitch, Avery!" Carthridge yelled. "I'd blame it on your father, but I think we both know it's mommy issues."

That hit me harder than anything had ever hit me.  Screaming at him wasn't going to help anymore, I needed to actally physically hurt him for this pain to go away.  As soon as he finished that sentenced I punched him across the face.  He stumbled backwards and I continued to hit him.  Over and over, in the face in the gut, wherever I could.  The bastard didn't hit me back, though, just tried to block me.  I could feel the tears falling onto my face as a screamed, and cussed, and punched and kicked.  I got him onto the floor and I was ontop of him punching.  I felt two arms grab me and peel me off of him; they held me back and dragged me into the hallway.  It was David.  I strugged and tried to break away from him, but he held tight.

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