Weekend Warriors

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This was the longest time that I'd ever gone with not talking to another human being.  I don't mean to brag, but I'm a friggin' social butterfly!  I'd never realized how much so until now though.  I have to say, though, Teneson was something else entirely.  He would just sit there, all day and everyday reading and listening to music.  He didn't mind total solitude; I actually think he preferred it and guessed it was how he spent time on his own.

One thing that is notable is that he isn't just some bad boy.  I expected him to light something on fire or try to sleep with me, but then again I didn't find a lighter and I wasn't the most desirable girl (and definitely not his type).  Still, he was so 90's grunge it killed (who knew teen spirit smelled like Zest?).  I was to my breaking point now.  I was itching for something to say or something to do.  I was going absolutely insane and I wasn't going to stand for it.  I bounced off my bed and stood up harshly.

"Okay, Mr. Hall, I'm done." I said firmly.  He didn't respond whatsoever. "I'm serious.  I really think we need to talk or at least communicate."  Again, he didn't even look up. "I know you can hear me!  What do I need to do for you to talk to me?"  I walked over to his dresser and started to open and close his drawers.  "Ooh, look, I'm going through your drawers.  I might find something that you don't want me to find!" I said loudly. 

That didn't work at all.  I sighed and slammed the drawers shut, but not even that made him flinch.  I walked over to his bed where he had a glass of water.  I took it and drank the whole thing loudly next to his ear.  Nothing.  Absolutely no reaction.  Next I walked over to the light switch and turned it on and off for a good four minutes straight.  Nothing.  I threw pillows, I blasted my music and sang of key, and I splashed him with water.  Nothing.  Finally I got on his bed and started jumping up and down singing Grease Lightning.  No reaction.  I have to admit, he was good, but it was so frustrating.

"What to I have to do to have a conversation with you?  What do I have to do to even get you to say one word to me?" I asked, exhausted. "Do I have to sing more?  Do I have to start destroying your clothes?  Do I have to hit you?  Dump shampoo on you?  Do I have to get naked?" I shouted.  His response: nothing.  And if that's what it took.  "Fine.  I didn't here a 'No, Bellen, please don't get naked'.  I'm at my last end and I'll do it!  You don't think I will?"

I started unbuttoning my shirt slowly with no response.  At first I was not really considering, but then I was actually curious to see if he'd notice.  I threw off my shirt and my plants until I was in my underwear.  Then I rolled my eyes and took my bra and underwear off.  I was literally standing naked in front of him and nothing.

"Are you fucking blind?" I shouted.  He smirked and then looked up.  His eyes widened and he quickly looked down.  He threw his blanket on top of me.

"Jesus, put some fucking clothes on!" He yelled.

"Finally, you noticed." I smiled, wrapping the blanket around myself.

"I only noticed, because you swore.  You actually got naked?  You're insane!" He said covering his face, which was totally red.

"What was I supposed to do?  I can't just sit here quiet for hours on end.  I am going nuts, here, Teneson.  All I want is for you to talk to me." I pleaded.

"And I don't want that." He said.  He looked over at me and looked away again. "Put some clothes on please."

"Fine." I said.  I walked over, with my blanket toga and all, and picked up my bra and underwear.   I stealthily put them on and dropped my blanket.  He looked up and rolled his eyes.

"More." He said harshly.  I gave him a sharp glare and walked over to his dresser.  I put on a pair of his sweatpants and one of his shirts.  I smiled at him and he just looked at me for a bit.  I prepared myself for him to yell at me, but instead he stated laughing.

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