A Little Hate Goes a Long Way

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[Rated R for language]


"Dibs!" Avery yelled, pushing past me and throwing herself on the bed by the window.

"Hey! No fucking fair! I wanted that bed!" I yelled at her.

"Too bad, I called dibs." She smirked, sitting down on the bed.

"We just got locked in here! I didn't even get time to see that there was a bed by the window!" I argued, not wanting to give up the bed.

"Why do you even want the window? I mean, imagine waking up with the sun hitting your face. All of that exposure to the sun can be dangerous to your kind." She teased.

"My kind?" I asked, confused about what she was getting at.

"Yeah, you know," she began delicately. "Those that lack in the sole department, those who have a certain red pigment. Ginger."

"I'm not a Ginger!" I snapped at her. "It's called strawberry blonde!" She burst out laughing for some reason that I didn't understand. "What?"

"I knew you were a Ginger, but I didn't know you were gay too!" She said between laughs.

"I'm not gay, you bitch." I muttered. She was really starting to get under my skin now.

"No, don't worry! I'll protect your little secret." She have me a smile. I'd never ever wanted to punch a girl before, not until now.  Avery ignored the fact that I was getting pissed and walked over to the window; she looked out it.  I'm guessing that she was taking in all the glorious sunlight in front of me, just to make me angrier. "You know what, Ging?" She asked, turning towards me.

"What?" I asked, not wanting to hear her voice for much longer.

"You can have the bed." She said, taking her bag off of the bed.

"Why?  What's wrong with it?" I asked, concerned for my safety.

"Nothing." She gave a laugh. "I just figured that since we're going to be living together for three weeks, that we should probably not fight the entire first day."

"Okay." I bit.  I put my stuff on the bed and sat down.  It was fine, actually very comfy.  I smiled and walked over to the window.  It had a nice view of the yard, but there was something that was off.  I couldn't quite put my thumb on it though. "It has a draft!" I yelled, shooting her a glare.  She started laughing again.  I walked over to the corner bed and threw all of her crap off of it.

"Hey, you douche bag!  Don't throw my shit!" She screamed, picking up her clothes off of he floor.

"At least you admit that it's shit." I shrugged, lounging on the bed.  She stood up and looked at me; steam was basically coming from here ears.

"Get out of my bed!" Avery yelled.

"How about..." I pretended to think about. "No."

"Get out or else, you'll regret it." She threatened, crossing her arms. 

I tried hard to be scared of her, but I honestly couldn't be.  She was probably about 5' 5" or something, which was almost a whole foot shorter than me.  Not to mention that she was pretty tiny too.  So, I did what any 6' 3" guy with good arms and a six-pack would do; I laughed my ass off.  Suddenly she was on top of me and she punched right in the left pectoral; it hurt like a motherfucker, so I shoved her back on the floor.

"Dick!" She screamed from the floor.

"You punched me in the left tit!" I yelled, as she popped back up.

"I was just following my motto!" She tried to explain, but I was totally lost.

"What the fuck?" I repeated.

"My motto." She said, like I should know it or something.  She sighed and rolled her eyes, and then told me her motto. "Call him a dick and punch him in the left tit."

"You are some kind of crazy!" I said, standing up and throwing my hands in the air. "Have your fucking bed, just don't ever touch my tits again!"

"Sorry, I didn't know you were menstruating." Avery sneered. 

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