1. Simple life

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Hi guys, this is my first story. I try to write a different one, in which Izuna wouldn't die and Zetsu would have been taken down. So basically in the end after much struggle Madara would have lived peacefully.

Shanaya POV:

Hurriedly I shuffled up with my clothes in the cupboard. I picked up and throw the clothes here and there looking for a particular dress.

"Oh come on dad is gonna kill me today."

After few seconds I found the appropriate clothes. It's a dark blue jeans and black coloured sleeveless top.

Removing the bathrobe I immediately wore the picked up dress.

After that I tied up my hair in a pony tail before puffing the hairs from the front.

Grabbing my bag I rushed out of my room and ran downstairs.

"Slow Shanaya" my mom shouted from downstairs as I was running on the stairs.

"Oh come on mom I don't have that much time." I was going towards the main door but someone grabbed my hand and dragged me throughout the house to the dining table. And roughly showed me on the chair. It was my mom.

Don't she have to go hospital today.

"You are not going anywhere empty stomach." She said stuffing my mouth with whatever she was feeding me with.

"Oh come on mom I am gonna get late for the meeting." I said and she stuffed my mouth again. I don't know what it is as my mind is pre-occupied by the thought of the meeting in which I am going to get late.

She didn't replied just gave me a glare and I shut my mouth up, not daring to speak. Not at all.

After she was done with feeding me like a little baby, we both went out towards our car.

For a moment I thought that she isn't going to the hospital. Well that's not possible. She is a very talented surgeon and herself the owner of the hospital.

I gave my mom a kiss on her cheeks and after exchanging our good byes I went to my car and started driving towards the 'Kim Industries'.

I never like having Driver. I always prefer to drive on my own.

There is going to be a meeting in fifteen minutes and I am going to be late.

Great such an important meeting and I am late.

After driving at high speed I managed to reach the office in twenty minutes.

I ran inside and towards the meeting room nodding to everyone who wishes me good morning.

I reached outside the meeting room and with the help of a female employee I made my look presentable.

I entered the room to notice that everyone is already present there on their respective seats.

I wished them all and they all too wished me while my father sent me glare and gestured towards his clock trying to tell me that I am late.

I mouthed a quick sorry and went to my place. I am supposed to present the presentation today.

I switched on the laptop and the projector. Picking up the light pen I started with my prepared presentation.


"And that's all. Thank you." I said shooking my head down a little and keeping my pen and papers down.

They all clapped in the end and praised the presentation as well as the way I presented it.

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