Chapter 8 He likes you too

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The game on Seirin and Shotoku is on going. “That Midorima is one of the generation of miracles. I wonder what he can do in the court.” Hikari said to her self while observing the game. “And that Takao has a hawk eye so it was easy for him to see Tetsuya.” She thought and bites the chocolate on her hand. The game is hard but they manage to win against Shotoku.

          “So, that Midorima has great shooting skills. And Kise has perfect copy.” She said to her self.

          “It’s raining.” Riko said. The team decided to go on a near by restaurant to eat. They see Kise and Kasamatsu. The restaurant was almost full so they decided that Tetsuya and Kagami sit with Kise and Kasamatsu.

          “I want to sit beside Hikari-chan.” Kise thought of himself as he looks at her sitting with her team mates. Then he looks at Tetsuya and Kagami.

          “Congratulations you had a good game with Midorima.” He said. “But there are more great players in the generation of miracles.” He added seriously.

          “I agree.” Tetsuya said.

          “I can’t wait to play with them.” Kagami said getting excited.

          “With the skills you have I don’t think you can win to them.” Kise said. The door then opens and reveals Midorima and Takao. In the end, Tetsuya, Kagami, Midorima and Kise sit together on the same table.

          On the other side, Riko, Hikari and the other team mates sits together. And as usual it is also chaotic. She was just laughing at them. She notices the children at their back arguing too. She decided to come to the children for help.

          “Are you alright? Can I help you on something?” she said as she sits beside the little girl. The little girl points on the mess in front of her.

          “Do you want to help you make your okonomiyaki?” she presented herself for help. The two just nodded and the three make their okonomiyaki.

          “Ok let’s see how it tastes.” She said and they taste the food. The children spark their eyes in glee.

          “This is so delicious” the little boy shouted. She just smiles to them while they eating joyfully. The attention of the team went to them.

          “Hey what’s that?” Junpei asks.

          “Nothing I just help them.” She said.

          “Hikari-chan, why don’t you cook for me too?” Riko said to her with puppy eyes. She just sweat dropped.

          “Hey can I have some?” Kise said to the little girl. The girl nodded.

          “Wow, this is really delicious.” He commented. Someone tastes the okonomiyaki. She looks and saw Tetsuya eating.

          “This is good.” He commented.

          They finished eating the two children wave good bye to her and walk away. The little girl looks back and said “Thank you oneechan I want to see you again.” She run and called her brother “Onii-chan wait for me.” That brings back the memories of her big brother. She smiles inwardly. Then she notice Kagami shivering on the side.

          “Taiga-kun, are you alright? Why are you hiding there?” she asks.

          “Arf arf arf” she heard and looks at the dog that is tenderly cuddling her feet. She kneels down and carries the dog.

          “Hello cute dog.” She greeted the dog. The dog barks in response.

          “I think Tetsuya no. 2 likes you Hikari-chan.” Riko commented. The dog barks again as a sign that he agrees.

          “Is that so? Well I like you too no. 2.” She said as she petted the head of the dog. Then she notices again Kagami that still shivering.

          “Taiga-kun, are you alright?” she asks with concern.

          “I’m fine, I just can’t handle dogs.” He said she chuckles. “But look he’s cute and harmless.” She said as she reaches the dog to him.

          “whaaaaaaa!” he said as he shivers more.

          “Taiga-kun, don’t be like that.” Kuroko said.

          “I think you should get along with no.2 since he will be our pet and mascot.” She added.

          “noooooo.” He said. She wants to laugh because of his stubbornness but she chooses to not to.

          The team went home and as usual Tetsuya and Hikari went home together. Hikari carries Tetsuya no. 2.

          “Do you like dogs too?” Tetsuya asks.

          “Hai, they are so cute.” She said as she looks at no. 2.

          “I love to read books about pets and animals. I read that sometimes pets are the one who shows what their owner really wants to meant.” She added and petted no. 2’s head.

          “I think I have to give you to Tetsuya.” She said to the dog and gives it to him. They wave good bye and went home.

This one is short I think… sorry… and enjoy reading :)

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