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Master Makarov decided that we were gonna have a welcome party for me the next day. I live in a beutiful mansion on the outskirts of magnolia in a rich neighborhood. (You can imagine your house I'm not gonna care whatever ya want! Lol). I woke up and showered and put on (the outfit above) I drink a glass of water and walk out of my house. As I walk down the street to fairytail I get stares from many as I walk by. I probably just don't look familiar I finally arrive at the guild around noon. When I enter I see my guild mates putting up decor for the party.
"Wow guys this looks great!" I say looking at them with a grin.
"This was all Mira's decorating skills!" Said a girl named Lucy.
"Lucy stop you helped to!" She says shrugging off the compliment.
"Guys it's looks great seriously thank you Mira,Lucy." I say pulling them into a hug
"Hey Y/n wanna do something together today until the party's finished!" Yelled Natsu putting his arm around my shoulder.
"Yea of course!" I say giving him a thumbs up. He grabs my arm and drags me out of the guild and starts down the street.
"Um where are we going exactly?" I ask laughing.
"It's a suprise close your eyes. " he says. I close my eyes and all of a sudden I am swept off my feet. I giggle as I am carried bridal style by Natsu to a place I think. Suddenly I am put on the ground but I feel like I'm on a blanket.
"Okay open your pretty eyes to behold my amazing suprise!" Natsu yells. As I open my eyes to the bright sun we both are sitting under a cherry blossom tree on a blanket with a feast. There was pizza and sandwichs and chips and everything amazingly unhealthy but I don't gain I'm a dragon slayer.
"Natsu I freakin love u for this!" I squeal as I hug him. Natsu blushes as he returns the hug. We eat A LOT. We walk back to the guild together as the sun is starting to set.
"Ready to get your party on?" Natsu questions.
"HELL YEA!" I return putting my arms into the air. I push open the guild to see lights flashing and music blasting in my ear. (Start the music) it was gonna be lit. Cana challenged me to a drinking contest. Oh shits bout to go down. As I near my limit Cana stops and pass out. I won bitchessss. The rest of the night was a blur after the drinks I could rember shit. I think I may have passed out a couple of times. I woke up not at my house but at another house next to a sleeping Natsu.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yell falling off a bed.
"Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Natsu yells as we both cover ourselves.
"Don't tell me we did something last night..." I say worried. I'm fucking naked I can't deny it this is not good.
"I can't rember." Natsu says frantically looking for his clothes.
"Get dressed were going to the guild. " he says
"Okay..." I say grabbing my clothes from last night.
" hey before we go can we hit up my place so I can clean up?" I ask in my shirt and underwear.
"U-hh uh yea sure." He says blushing and runs out of the room. I get my clothes in from yesterday and flip shit. What if I'm pregnant I doubt we used protection!" I think. After Natsu finishes his shower we make our way to my place.
Some shit had just gone down and I don't even know what.

Yo squad I hope u like the Chappi Ik it sucks but whatever it's gonna get twisted next time. C ya fam!

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