These Things are Like Little Demons Living Inside my Body

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It's been three four months since Natsu and I found out we were having twins. God my stomach had gotten way big in the short amount of time.
"Hey Mira can you get me some chocolate?" I question her for the tenth time.
"Y/n how much friken chocolate are you gonna eat!" She laughs giving me another bowl full of chocolate.
"Whatever makes these thing come out faster is worth it. They want chocolate so why the hell not let them eat it." I say shoving more chocolate into my mouth. Lately my outfits haven't been my normal heels and mini skirts. They have been like (outfit above).
"Ya know y/n your still so young. Do you honestly think being pregnant this young is a good thing?" Mira asks me
"Well duh I'm only 18 it's not really a good image but ya know what it was my mistake and I need to make sure that these kids know that they shouldn't be stupid like I was or I'll beat them to a pulp. I mean I only joined the guild a couple months ago." I say shoving the rest of the chocolate in my face. "Thanks for the food Mira !" I say waving her as I got up off my stool. I walk over to Erza and Wendy.
"Hey y/n how have you been doing?" Wendy asks me with a cute smile.
"Good these little guys are like little demons in my stomach." I joke to her. She giggles at my response.
"Have you thought about names?" Asked Erza
"Yea actually I have, for the boy I think Christian and for the girl, Ryland." I say embarrassed.
"Those are beautiful y/n you picked great names!" Erza says with a smile.
"Really? I haven't told Natsu them yet do you think he's gonna like them?" I say playing with my thumbs.
"Y/n Natsu loves you of course he's gonna love anything you were to say." Erza replies.
"Okay well I have to go find him I need to talk with him." I say waving goodbye to the girls. I searched the guild but he didn't seem to be anywhere around here.
"Hey y/n you want me to walk you home?" Asked Grey since I guess he knew that Natsu wasn't around.
"Yea, thanks Grey." I say as we exit. We walk down the streets along the canal.
"God why the hell is so much more of a haul. The walk only isn't even that long?!" I yell fustrated.
"It's cause your carrying fricken kids in your stomach. You also look tired. Haven't been sleeping much?" He says putting his hands behind his head.
"I've been up sick lately every morning I have to sleep in or else I get sick. " I say annoyed.
"That sucks..." He responds. The rest of the walk was silent. Once we reached the house I hugged Grey and thanked him. I opened the door to my home and changed out of my clothes. I put on sweatpants and one of natsu's big tshirts. I made my way to the babies room Natsu and I painted the other day.

Flashback to three days ago

"What the hell Natsu!" I yell as he put paint on my face.
"What I'm just having fun y/n!" He says coming up behind me. He lifted my tshirt and put his hands on my stomach. When he took his hands off there was two blue handprints on my humongous belly.
"Y/n I honestly don't know what I would do without you. Your my light my joy and my whole world." Natsu whispered in my ear.
"Oh Natsu, you are the one whole gives me fire in my soul to do whatever I dream. Most important you gave me love and a family." I whisper back as our lips met softly.

End of flashback

I smile at the memories of the day we painted the room how much Natsu means to me is crazy. I mean what would I be doing without him. He's my pinkette hot headed pyro. My everything. I heard the doors open.
"Y/n are you here?!" Yelled a scared Natsu.
"Yea! I'm here!" I respond leaving the babies room to see nastu at the end of the hall. He smiles and runs dropping his bags to me, he picks me up at the waist easing me up off my feet to meet his level. He sets me down and kisses my forehead.
"I was worried sick where were you asshole!" I scold him with a punch. He falls over as I giggle.
"I was on a job, I got us some more money. We need something for these babies to be raised with." He says handing me something special. I open the box to see a braclet. On it were two charms. On said nastu and the other said happy.
"This is so cute Natsu!" I say admiring it.
"After we decided the kids names I'll get you two more charms with their names on it." He responds to me holding my hands moving his thumbs in circles on them both. I hug him.
"That would be perfect..." I say
"Let's hurry up little guys I'm ready to see you..." Natsu says putting a hand to my stomach. I smile back at him. We walk downstairs to the living room to sit and chat.
"Natsu do you think that if I wasn't pregnant you wouldn't have ever loved me?" I ask
"I honestly think we would've ended up together anyway. As I said ever since the moment we fought I knew you were ment to be mine." He responds kissing my temple. I smile back to him
"I agree with you..." I say slowly starting to drift off to sleep. "Hey nastu.. I have baby nemess...." I say as all of a sudden I'm asleep.

Natsu pov

"Oh y/n you fell asleep...silly girl." I say laying with her on the couch. I sit stroking her hair slowly falling asleep myself.

Back to reader pov

I wake up to Natsu still cuddled next to me petting my head like I was a fricken dog.
"I see my princess is up." Nastu whispered to me kissing my head.
"Make me food." I say
"I can't cook y/n chan." He says shrugging.
"Then get me food!" I say firmly.
"What do ya want?" He questions moving me off him and laying me back down.
"Lots of pizza..." I drool.
"I'll be back in a few I'm sending levy to come watch you so nothing happens." He responds as levy is called. Once levy arrives he leaves the house.
"Wow y/n you have a lovely house!" She responds to me in awe.
"Thanks levy! So how's Gajeel?" I say smirking
"Oh u-uh well See we aren't together but I wish we w-were." She says sitting next to me.
"Well I think that he needs to man up and ask you out. It's obvious he likes you!" I say to levy stating the truth.
"Really y/n you think so!" She says smiling.
"Of course! If he doesn't make the first move then you should!" I say cheering levy up a lot we continue to talk about the upcoming baby shower and how I need Gale to happen. Natsu finally arrived with the pizzas and levy bid her goodbyes. I ate two out of the three pizzas and then ate the whole bag of chips Natsu brought back to.
"Really y/n you had to eat all the food." He says disappointed.
"Fuck yea pinkie I'm hungry." I say back at him playfully. Natsu tackles me I giggle as he kisses my nose.
"Damn you y/n why are you so adorable..."

Awe goals you ate all the pizza lol I hope ya like this chapter! I soon will be getting a schedual on when I'm going to post Bc posting daily isn't easy Bc I have cheer practice and stuff this summer so I'll make sure to Atleast post once or twice a week

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