Waiting for Results

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Play the music wheneva ya want

The next day Natsu and I went to Porleuscia to get me tested to see if I am pregnant. I'm not supposed to get my period for a couple days so we decided we're gonna find out ourselves. I'm super nervous. I have no clue what I'm gonna do. We have the space but raising a child is hard especially if we end up with twins or even triplets. One is enough for me. After I take the test Porleuscia says to come back in two days to see the results. We leave her medical thing and go out to lunch at a small restaurant. We sit on the deck at the restaurant at the table for two. There was a pond underneath us with fish and flowers it was really cute.
"Are you neverous?" I question Natsu as he plays with his finger staring into space.
"Is it that obvious?" He asks me worried.
"Yea it really is. " I say giggling as he blushes. "It's okay though I'm not making fun of you. I'm just as nervous."
"Well whatever happens as long as you are safe and even the baby to its all I care about." Natsu replies grabbing my hands and holding them. We eat our lunch which was amazing. I got a sushi bento which was amazing and Natsu got ribs with extra hot sauce. I sometimes wonder how he doesnt get sick after he eats shit like that. We walk to the guild hand in hand laughing at stupid ass jokes we were making. We enter to see the normal guild fighting.
"HEY DIPSHITS LET ME JOIN!" Natsu yells as he jumps into the brawl. I walk over to Mira and get some water.
"So have you had any signs yet?" Mira asks cleaning some dishes.
"Eh I was sick yesterday morning but that was all. My period isn't supposed to come for a few more days. I got Porleuscia to test me. I'll find out in two days." I say playing with my nails.
"That's great y/n Atleast you will know soon!" She says to me with a thumbs up. Did u talk to master yet?" She responds.
"No I probably should. Is he in his office?" I asked.
"Yea go on in." She said pointing to a door. I enter into a room full of paperwork for master to do.
"Master I have to tell you something. " I say as I sit in the chair infront of his desk.
"What is it child. If it's about you and Natsu being together I already know. "
"No it's something else" I said as I cut him off.
"Nastu and I may be Having a umm baby." I say quietly. Master drops his pen and his jaw falls.
"It's not final yet. It was a accident we didn't try. I'll get the results back in two days." I say rubbing the back of my neck.
"Oh y/n I'm so happy for you. I knew that fairy tail needed a next generation and you and Natsu get to start it. It's quite amazing. Having a child is a miracle and I can't wait for you to see that." Master said to me with a sincere look. "Go on you need to tell the others. " he said ushering me out of his office. Natsu and I decided if I am pregnant that we're gonna have a baby shower and it's gonna be amazing.
"I talked to master and he seemed excited for us!" I say to Natsu as I jump to see his face. Yes I'm very short so a lot of people are taller then me. Even levy is a tad bit taller then me.
"That's awesome y/n. I'm so excited!" He says lifting me off my toes to bring me level to his face. I hug him around the neck getting a kiss on my forehead before reaching the ground again.

Over in the corner is Lucy speaking with Erza
"Why the hell does that hoe think she can come and steal away Natsu from me?" She says disgusted as Natsu grabs y/n's hand.
"Lucy he loves her you need to forget about him. Don't be a bitch." Erza says disgusted with Lucy.
"Whatever Erza I don't need your help I'll get rid of that hoe myslef." Lucy mumbles to herself.

Back to your pov

"Oh Natsu stop making corny jokes." I say as I can't stop laughing. He then starts tickling me.
"STOP YOU BASTARD!" I yell gigling on the floor as I'm tackled by a wild Natsu in his natural habitat.
"I love you." He says kissing my cheek.
"Fuck you!" I say playfully to him.
"Dats not vewy nice." He pouts.
"I'm kidding I love you so much Natsu-chan!" I say kissing each one of his cheeks. He hugs me back as we have a kiss war.
" I think it's time we head home?" I question to him as he nods we walk out of the guild the sun setting hand in hand waiting patiently for our results.

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