Its time

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Time skip time!!

Reader chan pov

It's about nine months now and I can't even walk the stairs anymore. I haven't gone to the guild in about two weeks and all I do is eat and sleep. These things hurt A LOT. Like bitches get the fuck outta my damn stomach. Ya big enough. I got my two new charms on my braclet one for Christian and one for Ryland. I honestly cannot wait. The room is so cute. The walls are a blue with grey stripes on a wall for accent the blue is light almost like a whitish blue and the grey is well grey. The furniture is white along with the cribs. It's good for twins to sleep near eachother and in the same room while their young. So that's what we did putting the cribs next to eachother so the two can see one another.

"Natsu~" I whine laying in the guest room downstairs since walking upstairs isn't really great right now. He comes running in
"What's wrong y/n do we need to go to the hospital I have everything packed and ready to go a-"
"I'm not going into labor Natsu it's okay I'm fine." I say to him with a laugh.
"Y/n I hate you. I'm so nervous that I can't function. I feel like if I'm not there it wouldn't be the same. " Natsu chuckles laying down next to me petting my head. I snuggle Into his chest feeling the heat radiate off his body. It's like my own personal heater. I get up to use the bathroom when all of a sudden...







The cries of the second baby a little girl were heard through the infirmary door. As she was weighed y/n held baby Christian who was 6 pounds 2 ounces. As Natsu was given baby Ryland who was 6 pounds. The two were early which is why they weren't super big.
(Cue the music)
Natsu pov

As I was given Ryland I was nervous. She was so tiny I felt like if I moved I would break her. She slept in the blanket soundly. She had pink fuzz on her head. I smiled as I held her looking to y/n holding christian.

Reader chans pov

I was given Christian as I was catching my breath. I smiled a lone tear falling down my cheek. I held him as if he were a porcelain doll I would've had as a child. He had my hair. I smiled as I looked to Natsu holding Ryland. He smiled looking at me.
" we did it." I say calmly as he walks to me sitting down by my side.
"Of course we did who do we think we are were Natsu and y/n the best team!" He says playing with Rylands hand. Tears form in my eyes.
"Why are you crying silly?" He says crying with me.
"I'm so happy I can't help it..." I say with a laugh.
"You have no idea y/n!" He says wiping under his eyes. I smile to him as he flashes me a grin.
"I love you." We say in unison.
(You can stop the music now if ya want)
"WHERE ARE THE BABIES!!!!" I hear Mira bust through the door laxus following her. He rolls his eyes as she comes over to me.
"OMG THEY IS SO KAWAII!" She yells grabbing baby Christian.
"Aren't they?!" I say with a laugh. Natsu hands me Ryland.
"Laxus?" I say pointing to Ryland.
" why the hell not?" He says to me holding his hands out as I placed Ryland in them.
"Holy shit she's small!" He says.
" I'm only 5'1 so she's gonna be small." I say. "Small people can be mighty though!" He retaliates not wanting me to smack him. I laugh with Natsu.
"So Natsu how does it feel to be a father? I mean your only 19?" Mira asks
"I don't know I haven't really experienced them like yet so I guess so far it's great! I do have the best girl to be their mother!" Natsu exclaims grabbing my hand.
"Miss we need you to stay one more evening then you will be able to leave and go home." The nurse says to me. I nod my head. Mira and laxus stay for about another hour. We get a break to stay with the kids learning about how to change their diapers. I feed a hungry Ryland.
"Natsu write down Ryland ate 8 oz and the time so we know when she needs to eat again." I say putting a sleeping Ryland down in her makeshift crib. Taking Christian next. I held him since he was squirming swaddling him in a blanket.
" oh Natsu just a warning Gray is coming to see the twins please don't fight with him." I scold him as he growls. "Natsu I will bitch slap you!" I yell holding my hand up as he continues to pack some things away we don't need. I put Christian down into his crib next to Ryland getting back into the hospital bed I slowly fall into a deep slumber.

Natsu's pov

As I finish packing the diaper bag y/n has fallen asleep along with both the twins.
"Hey y/n I'm here-"
"Hey ice princess be quiet everyone's sleeping!" I wisper to him.
"Oh shit I'm sorry flame brain!" He retaliates as y/n stirs in her sleep. We both know not to wake her up its not a good idea. I walk over picking up Ryland holding him out to Gray.
"Here you came to see them right. Y/n told me your gonna be their god father so you might as well start acting like one." I say annoyed that she picked that Popsicle. I understand that's he's her best friend along with me but since I'm the Dad she needs someone to help if we both were dead. Gray would be the one to do it anyways so why not. Gray looks at me suprised almost as if I wouldn't have done that. He holds Ryland.
"Wow... She's so small." Gray says smiling. His face just lit up when he saw her it was something weird not really something Gray would do. Then the silence was interrupted as Christian started crying.

Reader chans pov

I woke to the sound of a crying baby and Gray and Natsu not cutting each others throats.
"I'll get it Natsu." I say sitting up he turns around and smiles.
"Your awake. "  Natsu chuckles
"Well someone's gotta feed this child and God knows we don't have the formula on us right now so I gotta do it."I say in a duh tone. I walk over and grab Christian sitting down feeding him with a blanket covering me.
"Y/n why is he eating your boob?!" Asks Gray.
"Um did anybody ever tell you how babies are fed." I say laughing. Gray awkwardly laughs at me as I start dying.
"Jeez y/n that's enough!" Says a flustered Gray.
"It's to funny though I never had a family and even I knew that!" I say to him all serious.
"Shut up ass face!" He says back to me sticking his tounge out. I stick mine back out at him.
"Don't swear infront of the children!" I yell laughing.
"Fuck!" He yells.
"GRAY YOU ASSHOLE!" I yell back. Natsu just stares at us like wtf are you doing. This is gonna be an epic adventure.

YO GUYS IM BACK summer is so like amazing. I haven't done anything I've lived inside its perfect it's July tho😭 which means school is coming fast. Dammit

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