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Reader chans pov

It's been one week since we had the twins and honestly it's been a breeze but I need to get out of the house. As I handed Mira the list of everything I kiss each one of the twins on their heads as Natsu follows after. We walk out of the house holding hands to the guild for a job that requested us. When we arrived we were greeted by master.
"Okay Natsu y/n this job is something you need to take seriously or you could honestly hurt yourselves." He says in a serious tone. I look to Natsu nodding we turn our heads to master.
"Don't worry gramps we will. We can't leave our family." Natsu replies with a devilish grin.
"Go to the job requester and he will explain. I trust you both." Master says. Natsu and I leave the guild walking to the train station.
"Two tickets to celestial town please." I say to the ticket man getting the tickets back quickly. Natsu and I board the train.
"Hell no." We both say in unison. Being dragon slayers we get motion sick. This is gonna be one hell of a train ride.

Times skip to celestial town!

We both exit the train after the real long ride. Arriving at a home with a flat roof. Natsu knocks on the door. A old ass man opens up the door welcomes us into his house.
"Come sit children." He says ushering us to his kitchen. "I need you both to do me a special favor. A demon from the book of Zeref has been unsealed and I know I can count on two of fairy tails best dragon slayers to take it out. The demon is a demon dragon slayer who has taken a human form." The old man says handing us a book. "You can seal him in this. Then after burn it. " he says firmly.
"One question sir?" I say. He raises his eyebrow. "Does this demon have any weaknesses?"
"I honestly have no clue..." The man says. "But I BELIVE in you." I nod as Natsu and I exit the home.
"Ready to kick some ass?" I say igniting my fist smiling at him.
"Of course miss y/n team Natsu is in commission!" He says igniting his fist we run to the different homes asking where the civilians have spotted this demon. One lady says up in the snowy mountains overlooking the village their should be a castle like structure and that's where he lives. Natsu and I made our way up part of the mountain before dark then camped out in a cavern. Natsu lit the fire and sat next to me wrapped up in a blanket as we looked at the stars.
"I miss the kids..." I say sadly. It's true I miss being with them.
"So do I y/n..." Says Natsu squeezing me in a tight hug. I snuggle into his chest slowly falling asleep Natsu following shortly after.

I awoke the next morning leaning on a snoring Natsu.
"Hey Natsu it's time to get up lovebug..." I say stretching my arms. Natsu stirs opening his onyx eyes.
"It's to early hun..." He complains sitting up bringing me with him. I stand up and change into another outfit. (The one above).
"I'm going without you then." I say turning my heel walking up the mountain.
"Wait up!" Says an angry Natsu pulling in his clothes while walking at the same time. I laugh at him making him blush. He comes over a spills my skirt down. I scream pulling it back up.
"Asshole!" I yell igniting my fist angry at a smirking Natsu.
(Start the music)
" I would love for the two of you to calm down then maybe I would be able to kill you quicker.." Said a harsh male voice. Infront of Natsu and I was a tall dark haired male. He had navy hair with streaks of lighter blues. He wore a black cloak and underneath a black muscle shirt fitting tight around his toned abdomin. His pants were like natsu's almost but black and skinnier.
"So your the demon slayer huh?" Said Natsu igniting his fist in flames.
" yes the names nuichi..." He says bowing with a smirk.
"So nuichi, what business are you up to lately?" I say grinning furrowing my eyebrows.
"Nothing much just trying to help out some reincarnated friends from tartoros..." Nuichi laughs.
"T-TARTOROS?!" I yell remembering something from my past. I remember something about that name it was all familier.
"Well Fairy Tail defeated Tartoros once before we can do it again!" Shouts Natsu running at the guy
"FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!" He screams punching the guy only to find he extinguished his flames. Natsu was thrown off hitting the rocks on the mountain. It knocks him out. Cold.
"NATSU!" I yell angry. I swiftly turn my head to see nuichi smile.
"Hey y/n how's it going?" He says. My eyes widen. I never told him my name.
"How do you know me?" I say questioning him.
"Because your a book of Zeref ! And so is that brat over there. He's END! And you oh you are a very precious one to. You are special to master Zeref. Nice to see you once more...

          Also know as hells army
It's said your demon form can destroy the planet causing black holes to eternally eat away our universe eventually leaving you the new God along with Zeref and anyone you choose to be in you new civilization!"

" what the bloody hell?!" I scream. My head is pulsing.
" sorry to make you so confused I'll be on my way. Oh and tartoros is coming and don't forget it!" Nuichi says turning into particles flying away. I feel tears in my eyes, I run towards Natsu who stirs now in his sleep. I hold his head in my lap running my fingers through his hair. Your a demon to huh... Must have been a shock. END huh? I rember being a kid hearing stories about you from one of the members of Tartoros i think it was silver yes him! Natsu you are so powerful. And so am I... It's our secret...
"Y/n?!" Natsu yells finally waking up. "Did you get him?"
"No he let me go and Told me that Tartoros is coming. Natsu we need to get back to the kids!" I say pulling him up.
"Did he say anything about END?!" Yells Natsu clearly nervous that I would think he's weird.
"He did and about someone else named Decriaba.."
"What did he say!" Natsu yelled cutting me short. I don't respond.
"Y/N WHAT THE HELL DID HE SAY!" Yells Natsu clearly pissed off.
"HE TOLD ME ABOUT YOU NATSU YOUR END OKAY I DONT CARE!" I yell. Natsu stares at me shocked mouth hanging open. I fall to my knees and cry Natsu comes and embraces me as I wrap my arms around his shoulders.
" Natsu I'm Decriaba. I'm a freak, a demon." I say pulling away not looking into his eyes.
"It's alright I don't mind because hey, demons stick together right?" He smirks ruffling my hair I giggle as we head back to the train station after telling the requester the mission was failed.
"I love you END.." I say pecking his lips.
"I love you more Decriaba.." He says picking me up and throwing me on his shoulders. I laugh.
"Alright horse onwards to Magnolia!" I shout smiling with him. God sometimes I have no clue what I would do without this freak...

OMG YOU READER GET TI BE A DEMON DAYUM! I hope you like the story so far and I can't wait for more reads on this because idk I just really want to make people happy that's all. I gotta go fam I love y'all!

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