Uncovering the truth

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Natsu and I walk to my home I shower and double French braid my hair putting on the outfit above. We walk to the guild looking opposite ways. We enter the guild getting stared. Everyone starts clapping and cheering.
"Oh y/n we have a lot of explaining for ya come sit. " Erza says. Natsu and I sit with Mira, Erza, Lucy, and Grey.
" after the drinking contest with Cana you went a little crazy y/n. " Mira says
"Natsu here decided it would be a great option to try and kiss you. Apparently you wanted to be kissed by the pyro here." Grey laughs rolling his eyes.
"After you and Natsu left together and we couldn't fun you guys. We guessed you went and ya know did somethings you may regret." Erza says looking us in the eyes. "Stupid." She said as she left us. The others left as well it was just Natsu and I.
"We messed up." I say tears forming in my eyes. I place my head on his shoulder.
"Y/n I would never leave you. I promise we can and will get through this. If you are pregnant I will promise to be a great dad. " he says moving my chin up and pressing his lips against mine. I kiss back and then pull away.
"Thank you, Natsu." I say smiling.
"No problem y/n." He says. "Let's go and do something fun how about it?" He asks holding his hand out to me.
"Sounds great!" I return as he pulls me up. Hand in hand we walk out of the guild Natsu takes me to a park not far from the guild.
"We have a lot to talk about huh?" I laugh at him smiling as I lean against the bridge over a stream.
"Yea we really do." He says leaning next to me.
"I'm guessing you wanna live in your house huh? I'll move in I guess and we're gonna have to get used to each other. " he says smiling rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yea, sounds good well, let's get your things and move them now so we don't have to worry about it later." I respond. He nods as we walk to his house and gather everything he needs. He didn't need much but it he can always use some of my things to. We finally get to my house after a long ass walk. We go inside and he puts his stuff in the open drawers and closet space in our room. We put out his pictures and stuff once were finish we plop down on the couch.
"You have a big ass house." He says petting my head.
"Yea well I have the money for it so why not. I bought it and already payed the bills it's mine forever. Atleast until I die." I reply laying my head on his chest. Natsu is really warm. I love it. He pulls my tiny body on his lap and wraps his arms around me.
"Natsu ever since I beat the shit out of you. I knew something about you I needed to have forever. I love you." I say as a tear falls down my face.
"I couldn't have said it any better y/n. Except I love you more then you could ever imagine. More then the entire world. " he responds holding me tighter. And that was the beginning of our relationship that is gonna last a lifetime.

Don't worry this story is not over yet it's just beginning. Squad this is gonna be a swag story. I have so much to write. Hope y'all is gonna enjoy this. Love ya!

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