Are they positive?

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  It's the day
I am nervous
But not nearly as nervous as Natsu
We arrived at Porleuscias and were welcomed inside.
"I have the results are you ready?" She asked looking us in the eyes sternly. I look at Natsu and he then nods his head yes. What happens if I'm not pregnant will Natsu be angry. Will I be upset what am I gonna do whatever what if we're having triplets. This is gonna be so nerve racking

Slowly scroll down😂😂😂

Wait for that beat drop😂👏🏼

"Congrats your having twins!" She says. I look to Natsu with the biggest smile on my face ever. He hugs me as I hug him back.
"Thank you so much!" I said to Porleuscia. Natsu and I leave her place. I squeal. Natsu grabs me and spun me around. I kiss him with passion as he returns the kiss. Tears fell down my face as I looked to him.
"Y/n I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and our beutiful children." He says wiping the tears from under my eyes.
" same here Natsu." I say wiping his tears. We walk home and make our invitations for the baby shower. After they were finished we walk to the guild and give them to our friends. Everyone was super excited as we handed them out. Master shed some tears along with Erza punching Natsu and grey Then came to hug me because he was so happy for me. We got many people telling us they would be coming. Erza and Mira decide they were gonna help me set it up that day along with grey and Natsu who were gonna help me anyway. As you may have guessed grey is my bestie. Natsu may hate him but in all honesty their besties. It was around 5:30 and I was tired so Natsu decided to carry me home. I fell asleep in his arms as we were walking home. I was awakened as I was plopped down onto our bed in the house. Natsu started to undress me to change me into my pjs. I wore one of his t-shirts and my underwear. I of course went braless Bc fuck that shit. We cuddled and he wore his black boxers.
"Y/n I have no clue what I would do without you." He says to me. "I would have been so heartbroken if you wouldn't have excepted me especially since your having my babies." He says pushing my hair behind my ear.
"I wouldn't have lived the same life if I wouldn't have met you. I'm glad I got to meet you Natsu. You are my everything..." I say as I drift off to sleep.


I woke up alone in my bed. I stumbled out to the kitchen to Natsu and happy making breakfast.
"WHAT THE HELL WHY IS YOU TRYING TO COOK YOUR GONNA BURN THE HOUSE DOWN!" I yell as Natsu is using his dragon slayer fire to cook waffles. I walk over and chop him with my hand. He falls to the floor
"How about we go out to breakfast?" I ask him with a sweet face.
" sounds great!" He responds. We get dressed I wore (the outfit above) we walked to this cafe I ate at once as a kid when my parents weren't dead. We both ordered cinnamon swirled French toast.
"We need to get the babies room ready. " I say to him as I sip on my water.
"I know but I think we should wait till we know the gender. " he says in return.
"Oh you don't know yet. That's right I forgot to tell ya, I already know the genders." I say twirling my hair embarrassed. "We're having a boy and a girl!"
"Really! This is awesome !" Natsu replies a smile illuminating his face. I smile back as the food is placed in front of us. We both eat our food until the plates are clear and then exit to visit Fairy Tail. Once we arrive I head over to grey to talk to him.
"Hey Grey can you come baby shopping with me?" I ask him.
"Yea of course when?" He asked.
"Right now!" I say dragging him out of the guild.
"Put some clothing on first." I say putting my hand to my head.
"Y/n why are you taking ice princess baby shopping why not take Erza And Lucy?" Natsu says looking ticked off.
"Im taking Grey because he's my best friend. Is there a problem?" I question a dark aura around me.
"UM NOPE NOT ONE BIT Y/N." Natsu returns  with a nervous look on his face. I giggle as grey and I walk out of fairy tail and start to the mall. Once we arrive I head to one of the baby stores.
"Okay Grey look for the boys clothing and I'll looks for the girls meet here in ten minutes." I say as I rush off to look through the clothes.
"Hey y/n how does this look?" Grey questions holding up a couple boy outfits.
"Oh my llamas Grey those are so cute!" I squeal as I grab the clothes out of his hands putting it into my bag. I then decided that we should shop together and we started picking out a lot more clothing. After I pick what I want I buy the clothing and step out of the store to see Natsu.
"Natsu I thought I told you I was shopping with grey since."
"Y/n I know that I was just worried about you." Natsu said cutting me short.
"Why are you worried I'm with grey and I can fend for myself!" I say starting to get teary.
"Sorry it's my pregnancy hormones." I say as tears fall down my face.
"Seriously pyro you had to go make y/n cry!" Grey yelled at Natsu furious.
"I'm sorry that I was worried about her. She's the future mom to my kids and not to mention my girlfriend!" Natsu yells back at him. I started out the mall not looking back. Tears forming at my eyes. I run back to my home and shut the bathroom door behind me. As I cry I hear the front door open.
"Y/n where are you!" Yelled a worried grey. I step out of the bathroom and hug him super tight.
"Where's Natsu?" I ask him calming down.
"He's coming he had to haul all the clothing we bought back." Grey says with a smile.
"Oh okay I ju-"
"Y/n I am so sorry I was just a nervous wreck!" I hear a screaming Natsu from the wide open front door.
"It's okay baby you don't have to cry." I say as I walk up to a red eyed Natsu who looked so upset.
"I'm so sorry..." He says kissing my forehead.
"It's okay I forgive ya!" I say ruffling his hair. "Now it's time to reveal the amazing clothing grey and I picked out!" I said as I started through the bags. After a good twenty minutes I finished showing him all the clothes only to find out he's fallen asleep.
"Cotton candy here must have gotten bored." Sighed Grey. I giggled and talked to grey about how excited I was. I decided that the kids are gonna need a god father and that I want him to be that their god father
"Are you serious y/n I mean why me?" He says shocked as I told him my wish.
"Because I know you would take care of them if Natsu and I were to die." I say sincerely.
"Well then it would be a honor y/n to be the godfather of the babies." Grey says ruffling my hair walking out of the home. I sat with Natsu as his head latex on my lap. I ran my hands through his pink hair.
Oh Natsu I love you so much never leave me i think to myself. I sat there feeling so blessed. I have the coolest guy and gonna give birth to two fricken kids. That's so cool. I couldn't have been any happier.

Sup squad so ya I hope ya liked the chapter I think I'm gonna skip a little a head just to get the babies here faster Bc I can't wait for that. C ya!

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