Are You Serious

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Reader chan pov

The next day we had laxus and the thunder legion baby sit. Natsu had gone on a job with team Natsu. I didn't feel good so I decided to go to Porleuscia. She ran a full on check up on me. She took some tests and told me to wait for the results.
"Excuse me y/n have you had any weird cravings or sicknesses the last few months?" She asks with concern. I shake my head wondering why she would ask that. After another five minutes she came to me but brought master along to.
" y/n I'm happy to say your not sick but there is something you need to know..." She says grabbing her clipboard.
"Your having another baby!"

" WHAT?!" I scream. "Oh shit how the hell am I supposed to have another one?!"
" the gender of the baby is a boy!" Porleuscia says. I stop and think what's Natsu gonna say. I thank her as master walks me home in greeted my Mira and laxus. We all sit in the living room. I feed Ryland as Christian is asleep in his swing. She giggles as gurgles as I feed her. Her pink hair is starting to show now.
" so did the monsters behave? I question as Ryland squrims I let her down as she starts to try And crawl.
"Yes they were perfect!" Says Mira laughing laxus to. I smile back at them as they leave master behind.
"Our secret!" He says turning around.
"Wait gramps can I still do the gmg?" I question.
"No I'm sorry I don't want to jeopardize my future grandson. Look on the bright side. It's only one now.." He says walking down the pathway back to fairy tail. I shut the door and think.

" what the hell am I gonna do..." I mumble crying. I place a hand on my flat stomach but soon enough my baby body will be back. Tears rool down my cheeks. I eventually fall asleep against the wall in the powder room near our laundry room. Door opened.

Natsu pov

I make my way home as i hear a quiet house. I see Ryland in her swing next to Christian but no y/n.

"Y/n are you here?!" I yell slightly worried she's gone. I walk around and look in almost every room until I open the door to the powder room to find a tear stained y/n.
"Y/n!" I whispered worried as I grabbed her and took her to the couch. I set her down as her eyes fluttered open. They were red.
"Why were you in the bathroom crying?" I questioned her as I laid her head in my lap.
"It's nothing Natsu..."
"What are you hiding I can hear it in your voice?" He asks me stren eyes serious.
"We.. Um were u-uhh having another baby..." She mumbles tears forming back in her eyes.
"Oh my god that's great I get to be a dad again!" I say instantly perking up. "It's just one again right?" I laugh as she nods back, I instantly press my lips to hers. She eventually gives in and melts into the kiss. It was beutiful. Lol.
"Okay next thing, I got the reward and gramps announced the gmg participants. Damn I wanted to fight with you hoe!" I say punching y/n in the shoulder. She laughs back punching me back.
"Sorry baby maybe next year and the kids can come watch!" She says with a grin. I kiss her temple as I wrap my arms around her. We fall asleep there on the couch Bc duh we were tired.

Next morning

Reader pov

I woke up next to Natsu I felt tired and really wanted to eat some pizza. I decided why not. I got up and walked to the kitchen to find three slices of pizza in the fridge. I quickly ate them and got into the shower. After I put on (the outfit above). I run downstairs to see Natsu still sleeping but Christian was definitely awake. I picked him up and sat him on the ground to play. He grabbed his toys as he tried to scoot around. I sat down in the floor with him as he scooted over to me stretching his arms out. I sat him in my lap as he smiled. He giggles as I giggled to.
"Y/n your laugh is sexy..." Mumbled Natsu as he smirks, eyes fluttering open. I look to him as he rolls off the couch. Causing Christian to laugh. I laughed along with him. Natsu came and later in the floor as Christian scoots to Natsu laying at his head. He grabs Natsus hair and pulls it. Hard. Nastu yelps in pain as I burst into a fit of laughter causing Ryland to wake up. She and Christian crawl around together. They are best friends it's to cute. I make Natsu breakfast. Ryland is like me and has developed a love for pineapples. She sees Natsus pineapple on his plate and tries to steal some. I grab her and sit her next to me as I cut up pineapple into tiny prices and feed her.
"Let's go Natsu!" I shout holding Ryland and Christian. He comes down the stair running his hand through his hair. I hand him Ry and take his hand. He smiles as we walk down the path infront of the house. Once we reach the guild u kick the doors open like normal.
"SUP GUYS!" Natsu and I yell in unison as everyone stares at us.
" WE HAVE NEWS!!!" Natsu yells his grip tightening. He looks to me and nods.
"WERE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!" I say with a pink dust across my cheeks. Cheers erupt as I cling to Natsus arm. I laugh with him giving his signature smile. Lucy looks pissed Erza is crying Mira is shipping us so hard. It's so funny. It's great to know I have such a great family...

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