Predicting the Future with a Old Friend

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(Play music)
Natsu pov

After finally reaching the guild once again telling Master the news again he decided to try and figure out when the hell tartoros was coming.
"I know someone!" Y/n said her hand shooting into the air. Wow how is she still that cute even after not showering or changing and looking like shit after a mission.
"I can go grab her if you like she lives not to far!" Y/n laughs grabbing her jacket sitting on the table.
"Go child and hurry." Says master ushering her out. I sat there still not knowing what I should do.
"Natsu go take care of your children releive Mira..." He says pointing to the door. I nod exiting the guild towards my home.

Reader Chans pov

I run swiftly to one of my old best friends home.
"YEA IM COMIN BITCH I FORESAW THIS! " she screamed back. The blonde haired girl steps out from behind the arch in her living room wearing a black dress and converse sneakers.
" let's go!" She says grabbing my hand running to fairy tail. Once we arrive she products that Tartoros won't be ready for a Atleast two years so we don't have much to worry about. However a lot will change in the two years to come for fairy tail but she said she can't see them. The changes are fuzzy based on certain decisions people will make. We thank her as she leaves I follow after walking to my house awaiting Natsu and the kids. God I missed this I think walking in the front door. I hear two crying children.
"NATSU YOU NEED HELP!" I yell running towards the kids. Natsu had one child in his arms the other laying on the sofa.
"Hey baby girl!" I coed picking Ryland up off the sofa. As I did so she calmed down. Natsu was fustrated I could tell.
"This damn kid..." He mutters.
"Natsu it's not him the bottle needs to be warmer!" I say firmly as I run to the kitchen to heat the water up. Natsu comes to help and we finally finish both the bottles. As we sit in the couch in the living room Natsu still looks pretty pissed off.
"It's okay Na-"
"I'm sorry for being such a bad dad..." He says cutting me off. I'm shocked he actually hunks he's a bad father. Oh hell no.
"Natsu friken Dragneel you are not a bad father!" I scold him as he doesn't agree.
"Yes I am..."
"BOII YOU IS NOT!" I scream cutting him off now. He chuckles at me as I laugh along with him.
"Thanks y/n you always know what to say." Natsu says with a sincere grin. After feeding the kids we put them to bed super easy.
"Finally daddy gets to see mommy..." Natsu wispers in my ear kissing my neck.
" not right now..." I say as he lays his head on my shoulder pouting like the kids.
"Okay... Just for a couple minutes..." I say as his face lights up. I'm lifted up off the couch as Natsu starts to kiss me I wrap my arms around him neck and legs around his torso as I'm pushed up against the wall. The passionate kiss turns into a hot mess. Natsu and I having a tounge war. He wins eventually setting me down. He takes my shirt off to reveal the black lace push up bra I'm wearing.
"Natsu do we need to go this far right now?" I question as he kissed my sweet spot. A moan escaped my mouth as he smirked continuing to turn me on.

Third person pov

Next thing ya know Natsu and y/n are having a heated love session even though y/n denied it. Nastu marked her as she marked him. The twins slept soundly through the night not waking up.

Time skip and reader chans pov!

It was  seven in the morning when I woke up in my bed not covered in the slightest bit.
"Dammit!" I wisper angrily as it seems Natsu got his wish.
"Ugggggg" I say walking the the drawers putting on a sports bra. A black crop top that is from Calvin Klein and a pair of black spandex. I go to the twins room to find Ryland awake not making any noise. I grab her as I walk back to the bedroom laying in bed with Natsu as he sleeps. She lays in my arms content staring at me as I swaddled her into another blanket. I changed her diaper and eventually put her in a pastel pink Onsie that said "I love mommy" I was like hell yea!  As she played with my finger she decided to open her eyes to reveal they are a onyx like her fathers. Including the pink hair it's gonna be another Natsu. Shit. Natsu sits up leaning over to me.
"Hey Ryland." He says as she looks over the see him. She stretches her arm to grab his fingers.
"She likes fingers." I giggle as Ryland makes the FREKIN cutest faces eva. Natsu grabs clothing eventually going to the twins room and grabs Christian who is still sleeping.
"I think he may like sleep more then you!" I joke with Natsu as he stares at the sleeping baby.
"He's so peacful..." Natsu wispers.
"I agree who the hell did he get that from?" I wisper laugh as Natsu wisper laughs to. Ryland start fidgeting so we made her a bottle. After drinking it she fell asleep as Christian finally woke up. He ate and then of course fell into a food coma. After putting the twins in their room I slap Natsu over the head.
"What the hell Natsu! I thought I said nothing to far last night!"
"Sorry y/n but you went along with it so I assumed you didn't care!" He said holding his hands up in defeat.
"Atleast this time we used protection." He says holding up a empty wrapper.
"Thank god!" I say relieved. "Still with the kids around like seriously!" I laugh. He laughs along with me throwing his arm around my shoulder. "It's only nine so you wanna get ready and take the twins to the guild?" He suggests as I nod in agreement.
"They need the exposure. Make sure to pack the bag I call shower first!" I say running into our bathroom shouting the door I shower quick not wanting to leave Natsu alone with the diaper bag. I put on (outfit in description). After my hair dried I left it in a wavy state. I walk out to a struggling Natsu. I help him, after he gets into the shower. I sit down taking a breath. I walk to the twins room and I picked out the FREKIN cutest outfits. Ryland was wearing a black Onsie with a tiny flannel. Christian wore a red flannel shirt with grey joggers with the feet connected. They were to friken cute. I thought we slayed because we all matched. Once Natsu was finished getting ready it was about 11 o'clock. We walked to the guild each with a baby. I had Ryland and he had Christian. We walked in the doors to see tables and chairs smashed. Everyone stops and just stares at us as our mouths were wide open.
"Hey guys we brought the kids?" I say smiling awkwardly.
"OMG BABIES!" Screamd a crack head Mira. She stole Christian from Natsu. Shortly after I was with Lucy, Erza, Mira, levy, Juvia,and Wendy.
"Omg y/n they are so cute!" Said Wendy as she held Ryland. Mira gave up Christian to Erza. Natsu mean while was fighting with gray.
"SHUT UP STRIPPER ATLEAST I HAVE A GIRL!" Natsu yells head butting gray into the wall.
"YEA WELL ILL JUST TRAIN MY KIDS TO BE HELLA STINGER THEN YOU. HOW WOUKD THAT FEEL ICE PRINCESS HUH?!" Shouts Natsu Officialy starting the fight that I was gonna stop. I got up out of my seat and walked to the two fuckers.
"Shut. The. Hell. Up." I say shooting the both of them with my magic. They get up botch and apologize.
"Next time don't fight infront of the children or I will smack you harder!" I say tick mark appearing on my head. Natsu comes to hang out with the girls and I along with gray even though they stars daggers at eachother. I finally got the first one back Christian and made Natsu change and feed him. After a couple more minutes I got Ryland and did the same to her. After they fell into their food comas as we left the loud guild hall.
"They had so much fun today. I'm glad I brought them." I say to Natsu as I was feeding Ryland. It was funny though Natsu had the backpack on his back and we honestly looked like a family. I know I said I didn't want anymore kids but dammit I do.

Sorry for not updating in forever

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