Chapter Three - Grandfather Talks

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BTW ; I have over 800 Star Wars photos on my phone, screen shots , and probably 500 or so are Reylo related ... Such trash ... Such trash ...

"So how was school?" Ben Kenobi asked as Rey came inside the house .

"Trying ... Interesting" she said .

"Why don't you help me make dinner and we'll talk about it" he said .

Rey nodded and walked over to him. He was her grandfather but he was pretty young . Her mother had her at 17 and then passed away in a car crash two months later . Her father , Ben's son , had gone off to the military at 18 and was currently over seas . So she stayed with her grandfather . He was only 52 but he looked much younger in Rey's opinion.

"So ... What classes do you have ?" He asked as he added some meat in the pot.

"AP Lit with Mr. Cthree... Then I have AP History , thens AP trigonometry , then library aid and then AP anatomy and then Advanced drama ..."

"That's quite a schedule ... Very proud "

"Thanks grandpa " she smiled and added some carrots to the pot.

"How's Poe and Finn?"

"They're good ... Poe is convinced Finn is straight but I really don't think that"

"You've always been good a reading people ... Hopefully Finn sees Poe soon "

"Yeah ... I've been waiting for Poe to make a move since sixth grade . " and they both laughed .

"Any boys you have your eyes one ?"

"Grandpa !" Rey shrieked " I told you ... Boys are distractions ... Attachments... And mom had one then she met dad ... She got pregnant her senior year and I am not gonna ... Boys are out the question ... The only boys in my life are you , Poe , Finn and BB-8 over there " she said looking at the orange tabby cat.

"Good ... Let's keep it that way... But a boyfriend wouldn't hurt !"

"Grandpa I swear !" She laughed .

"No seriously... Homecoming is coming up ... Are you gonna go ?"

"Only if I get asked ... "

"We'll do you have someone you want to ask you ?"

"No ... Never have ... But if I get asked I'd probably go ... The last time I went to any school dance was when I was a freshman and Poe begged me to go with him to spring formal because his parents didn't know of his sexuality yet" Rey said .


Another day and another tiring day of trying to convince that Poe should make his move .

Rey was sitting in the theater, class would be starting soon and she was ready to see what Ms. Organa had in mind.

Poe walked in looking rather upset "what now ?" She asked when he room his seat.

"I'm such a loser" he mumbled .

Rey rolled her eyes "what now ?"

"Finn's going out on Friday ... With a girl !"

"So ... Like I said he could be bi or pan-"

"Rey ! This is serious! " he sighed .

"Talk to him "

"I rather be burned alive " he said .

The bell rang and she saw Ben in the corner of her eye . He was all alone , looking on his phone , ear buds in and had on a leather jacket today .

"Class ?" They all looked up to an older woman who wasn't Ms. Organa. "Ms. Organa has called out sick ... She'll be back soon , she said to start to work on your scenes with your partners " and she walked to a seat.

"Talk to him or I will Poe" Rey whispered before she walked over to Ben.

"Hey" she said shyly.

"Hi" he said and wrapped his earbuds around his phone . "Do you wanna read through it ?"

"Yeah that sounds good ... Like a plan" she nodded .

"Okay ... So it starts on you crying on a bench .... I come in and start it" Ben said . Rey sat down keeping one empty chair between them .
"Rose what's wrong ?"

"Nothing " .... "I'm fine Will"

"You don't look fine ... You've been crying haven't you ?"

"I'm fine will -"

"Come on ... What's wrong Rose ?"

"Don't tell anyone ... Swear on your life"

"Swear " Ben said as his character.

Rey took a deep breath " Last night .... After you dropped me off ... I was with my mother and she was cooking .... My stepfather came in drunk , sloppy drunk ... He slammed the door... He then walked over to me in the kitchen . Phil ran his hands down my back and slapped me backside ... He smirked at me and then whispered 'later baby' . Mamma saw him do that ... She was really mad ..."

"So ? Come on rose what happened ?"

"She was chopping steak ... She told me to go to my room... I walked but hid in the stairs so I could see what she was gonna do "

"And what did she do rose ?"

"She took the knife and well... She ... She stabbed him ... Over and over and over and over again "

"Rose !"

"There was blood everywhere... Mamma saw me ... She grabbed a bag from under the sink then took me by the arm and shoved me in her car.... As she drove she kept saying how she wanted to keep me safe ... All I could see was her hand that had his blood "

"Oh rose -"

"She told me I was gonna be staying with Miss Oliva for a while " and the drove away ... I'm all alone Will"

"No you're not Rose ... I'm here ... And as long as I'm here you'll be safe ... I promise ... Rose ?"

"Yes will ?"

"I want you to know that I will always protect you "

"Thank you -"

"It's because I love you rose ... I wanna take care of you ... I wanna protect you "

"But they'll find me -"

"No ... They can't hurt you anymore" and then Ben flipped the page "then we hug , stage kiss then I carry you off stage"

"We'll figure that all out when we go full on" Rey said .

He nodded and looked through his script . "Are they in the south ?"

"I don't know ... What do you  ask ?"

"Mamma ? Kinda of southern.... Maybe we should do it in southern accents "


Okay I'm so tired I think I'm gonna sleep ...
- Joey

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