Chapter Twelve - Small Talk

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They stayed in that little bathtub for a while . Rey cried and cried , Ben was surprised there was tears left .

Ben finally found this position very uncomfortable... A bathtub meant for an 5'5 girl was not meant for a 6'2 guy .

Ben unwrapped his arms from Rey and she opened her eyes "where are you going ?" She asked frantically.

"Don't worry Rey " he said and then picked her up. He was surprised he was able to carry her. Then again with all the frustration of her noticing he was flirting lead to him working out more .

She felt safe in his arms. She could smell his cologne . The mix of musk and warmth . Rey was able to smell small hints of motor oil from his old car.

He carried her to her bed and laid her down. "I'm gonna be in the hall ... I just need to make a call" he said .

She nodded and curled up with the blanket . Ben closed the door to her room and sat at the top of the stairs .

"Dad ?" Ben asked .

"What's up ?" Han asked .

"I'm not coming home tonight -"

"Benjamin Solo !" Han yelled .

"Dad ... It's Rey "

"What did you do to her ?!"

"I didn't do anything ... Her grandfather had to go out of town... And her mom is dead -"

"I know that so why do you need to stay ?"

"She wasn't a school today... She got a mail from the military... Her father is missing in action" Ben said .

He heard Han gasp "is she okay?"

"No" Ben said and ran his hand over his face "I told her grandfather I would check up on her but when I found her she was crying in her bath tub"

"Okay ... I'll take care of your mom ... Just give use a call later ... Let us know how she's doing "

"I will .. Thanks dad " he said .

"I'm gonna come over and bring you some clothes ... Text me her address" he said .

"Okay .. Bye dad "

"Bye Ben " and then Ben hung up.

He walked back to her room and saw laying there on her bed . She had an expressionless face . He sat down next to her "I'm gonna stay with you this weekend okay ? My parents said its okay and so did your grandpa"

"Okay" she said softly . Ben saw her face of nothing . She was grey.

"Rey ... Do you wanna talk ?" He asked .

She shook her head no "come on.." He said and sat her up .

"You can tell me anything" he said .
"Tell me what's on your mind" he said to her .

She shook her head no and sighed . "Come on ... You ensnared know what happened today ?"

She shrugged her shoulders and he nodded "well ... I told Poe to make a move on Finn ... After some ... persuading... He did ... Poe kept rambling on and talking with his hands ... Finally Finn just pulled him by the shirt and kissed him "

Rey had a small smile on her face and nodded . She pulled her blanket around herself better and curled closer to him.

"Throughout the day they were doing annoying couple stuff "

"Like ?" She asked softly .

"Kissing too much ... Calling each other baby and pooh bear ... Or honey ... Or pookie... And then during drama they held hands the whole time ... And we were doing improve so that meant while we were doing a scene they would both be on stage and they held hands the whole time "

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