Chapter Fourteen- Old Cars

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That whole weekend Ben stayed with Rey . Her grandfather came home on Sunday night where Rey was passed out on the couch and Ben was googling car parts for his newest project.

"Thank you Benjamin" he said .

"Oh , you're welcome Mr. Kenobi ... It was really upsetting seeing her like that" Ben said .

"What did you two do this weekend ?" He asked taking a seat on the couch near him.

"Helped her with her garden ... Saw a movie ... Went to the mall" Ben said keeping out the whole making out with Rey something he sure he didn't wanna hear about his granddaughter.

"Well thank you ... Is that a 57 hatchback ?" He asked looking at Ben's laptop .

"Yeah ... I have a 55' convertible ... " Ben smiled .

"That black one in the driveway is yours ? I thought it would have been your father's " Ben told Ben .

"Well my dad and I work on old cars a lot ... My mother said if we don't do something together she would get another dog ... And both my dad and I hate that dog so we started working on cars "

"Well that's a beautiful car you got out there ... I have a 62 diamond back in the garage "

"Woah... My dad and I have been looking for one of those a ... Those ride so smooth"

"It was my father's when it was new then when he got to old he gave it to me... But Rey refuses to drive an vintage car" Mr. Kenobi said .

"I know ... I told her she could drive mine ... She doesn't know who to drive a stick ... I tried to teach her "

"I know ... That girl is so stubborn ... She gets it from her father"

"That's where I get mine from" Ben smiled .

"Han right ?"

"Yeah that's dad" Ben said .

"He's a nice man ... Are you guys going to the car show next weekend?"

"There's a car show next weekend ?" Ben asked excitedly .

"Yeah ... I'll have Rey give you the flyer tomorrow... I would love to see more of your cars "

"Well be there " Ben smiled .

"Good ... It's rather late ... You should go home ... You've been here all weekends and I think your parents might want you back ... Thank you again" he said .

"Your welcome " he said and then put his laptop away . "Here I'll take Rey go to her room" Ben said and then picked her up , carrying her Bridal style .

"Thank you" he smiled and then walked of .

Ben carried her up the stairs to her room and laid her down in her bed. He pulled the blankets up and around here . "Ben ?" She said softly .

"Hmm?" He asked .

"Where you going ?" She asked .

"I'm going home ... Your grandpa's here ... I'll call you in the morning okay ?" He said .

"Okay " she said and turned her head . Ben smiled and kissed her forehead .

"Mr. Kenobi ?" Ben asked near the door .

"Yes Ben ?" He asked .

"I was hoping you would give your blessing -"

"And why is that ?" He asked .

"I would like your permission to court Rey ... Like date her "

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