Chapter Four- Closed Doors

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Ben was in his room , reading a collection of Edgar Allan Poe .

"Shouldn't you be studying your lines ?" His mother said coming into his room.

"I'm fine mom ... Besides ... I don't really think this is gonna work out"

"And why is that ?"

"She doesn't seem to want to communicate with me ..."

"Do you have her number ?" Leia asked .

"Yeah -"

"Give me your phone ... You're grounded until I say so" she said and took his phone .
Ben rolled his eyes and continued to read his Edgar Allan Poe.

About thirty minutes later he heard the door bell ring them some talking then his mother .

"Ben ! Come down here " she said .

Ben sighed and walked down the stairs . "Rey is here to rehearse" Leia said and then walked off to the kitchen.

"What are you doing here ?" Ben asked .

"You asked me over " Rey said putting her arms over her chest .

"How about you two go rehearse in Ben's room... Door open Ben" Leia said .

Ben grabbed Rey's wrist and pulled her up the stairs . He closed his door softly .

"Didn't Ms. Organa tell you to keep it open ... Is Ms. Organa you're foster mom or -"

"Try mother " he said and laid down on his bed .

"But ... Solo then Organa ?"

"Her maiden name ... She goes by it at school because she doesn't want people to think I get special treatment because of her being a teacher"

"Oh well that's ... Makes sense "

"Yeah and my uncle is Mr. Skywalker"

"But they're last names -"

"Mom was adopted ... Luke was raised by my grandfather's friends ... Then when they got older they met up" Ben said .

"Oh ... That's cool ... " she said and sat down on his bed .

"Yeah " he said sarcastically. Rey could hear the Panic! At the Disco playing through his laptop which was halfway shut .

"So .... We should really rehearse ... Cause I don't wanna fail -"

"I rather not -"

"But it's not just your grade it's my grade too ... The lowest grade I've ever have is an A minus ... And my grandfather doesn't do bad grades -"

"Why ? Is he a teacher ?" Ben asked

"No ... He's a judge and he used to be a lawyer ... "

"What's his name ?"

"Ben Kenobi " Rey said and opened her bag to grab her script .

"I was named for him" Ben said .

"What ?" Rey asked .

"My uncle and dad and mom all were really close to him ... They helped him with some case against their biological father ... He was found guilty and my mom promised she would name her son after him ... Here I am" he said .

"Oh ... Well we should rehearse-"

"I rather sit on my bed and do nothing " Ben said .

"Well that's what you want to do not what we both want to and I really need to get a good grade ... Harvard doesn't take everyone you know "

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