Chapter 2

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Yuna POV

It was just an ordinary day after school. School have started for about two weeks and everything was doing good.

After having a quick lunch with my girls, I went straight to my part time work place. It is a café two streets away from school. I have been working there for about 4 years, so I am familiar with everything about that café. I do see many students from our school going there, but most of them do not recognise me because I usually wear my fake spectacles to reduce the awkwardness.

As usual, I changed into my working uniform and greeted the workers. Actually there are only four of us running the café. Soyeon unnie, she is the store manager. Junghyun oppa, the one who brewed the coffee. And lastly, Dokyoem oppa and me who are waiter and waitress.

There weren't as many customers like other day. We served the few customers that were in the store before helping out with the stocks in the wareroom.

"Yuna! Come and help me serve the customers." I heard a call from Soyeon unnie from outside. I quickly ran out of the wareroom to help her out, when I saw Bangtan boys sitting down there. WHAT?! Why are they here? This is going to be so awkward. I quickly wore my spectacles before approaching them.

"Good afternoon, sir. What would you like to have?" I asked politely, keeping my head a little lower, hoping that none of them recognise me, especially Taehyung.

"5 iced Americano, 1 iced Mocha and 1 iced Green tea Frappuccino." One of them ordered. "That's all." He said, while I just nodded and bowed a little. "Okay, we will serve you the drinks shortly."

Phew. Luckily none of them noticed me. To be honest, I do not know all of them. I only know Taehyung because he sits beside me now. So I guess they wouldn't know me too, since they have so many fangirls out there.

I was preparing the drinks with Junghyun oppa. "From your school uh?" he asked. I simply nodded. "Popular guys." I laughed. "You like any of them?" he casually shot me a question. "What?! No. I don't know them." I replied, while putting the drinks on the serving tray. "But they are good looking! I will be crazy over them if I were your age and gender." He laughed, winking at me. "You sure know how to joke huh, oppa." I chuckled at his statement before walking towards their table.

"5 iced Americano, 1 iced Mocha and 1 iced Green tea Frappuccino." I repeated their order while handing them their drinks. "Enjoy." I said quickly before turning to walk away.

Jungkook POV

"Guys, that waitress just now, looks familiar." Taehyung hyung suddenly spoke up while I took a sip of my drink. "Oh god, Taehyung. That was one of the worst pick-up lines I have ever heard." Yoongi hyung laughed. "I am serious! She looks familiar!" Taehyung hyung protested.

"Alright. Alright. Cut it." Namjoon hyung stopped them. "So Jungkook, what are your plans?" he continued without looking at me. I choked on my coffee a little, "What do you mean by what plans."

"Your rent for your apartment is ending soon right? What are your plans on getting a new apartment?" Namjoon hyung said, looking at me this time. "Ah... Ermm... I have not found one yet. It is ending next week. My parents will be transferring a sum of money into my bank to let me rent a new apartment. So I will just have to find a new apartment within this week." I explained and they just nodded.

"If you have not found one within this week, you can come and stay with me!" Jimin hyung offered. "Arrasso hyung. I will see how." I replied. "We can all help with searching for a new apartment for you! I guess my dad might be able to contact some agency to help." Namjoon hyung suggested and they all agreed. These are who I call brothers right? "Thank you hyungs."

"Yah, I am hungry. Can we order something to eat?" Seokjin hyung asked. "Piggy Jinnie." Yoongi hyung casually commented, earning laughs from us and a nice smack from Seokjin hyung.

"Omo! Let's call for that waitress again! I am sure I can recognize her!" Taehyung clapped his hands.

Namjoon hyung waved his hand and the same waitress approached us. "May I help you, sir?"

"I would like to order a chicken chop spaghetti." Seokjin hyung ordered.

"I want a new york cheese cake!" Jimin hyung added.

Taehyung hyung stared at her face without blinking. I could feel that she was a little awkward as she took down our orders. "A chicken salad for me." I added shortly.

"Sure. Is that all?" she asked.

"AH!" Taehyung hyung suddenly banged the table, giving all of us a jump, including the waitress.

"YOU! Choi... Yuna?" Taehyung hyung called out to her. She stood rooted at the ground for a few seconds before reacting to his question.

Yuna POV

"YOU! Choi... Yuna?" Taehyung recognised me. My mind was completely blank at that moment.

Should I admit or not? I froze in my position for a few seconds before slowly nodding my head.

"Y-Yes." I answered.

"See! I told you guys I know her!" Taehyung turned to his bunch of friends.

"I will go and prepare your food." I quickly bowed and rushed to the kitchen.

"Oh... they recognise you?" Dokyeom and Junghyun oppa asked while preparing.

"It's not a good thing." I snapped as I helped them.

"Why? You can get to know them!" Junghyun oppa teased, earning a smack from me.

"Aigoo. Is our baby shy? They are good looking!" Dokyeom oppa continued.

I can't help but blushed a little at the thought that Taehyung actually recognise me.

"Aye, our baby." Dokyeom oppa pinched my cheeks. I just smiled a little and quickly brought the food out to serve them.

"Here you go. Enjoy." I quickly bowed and left as quickly as I could.

Jungkook POV

"She is cute right?" Taehyung hyung asked.

"Who is she?" Seokjin hyung asked with a mouthful of spaghetti.

"Can you swallow before talking?" Namjoon hyung snarled.

"She is my tablemate." Taehyung hyung replied.

I literally choked on my drink. "What?! She is in our class?" I asked while Taehyung hyung just nodded. "She sits in front of me?!" I shrieked in disbelief. "Yes, our oblivious maknae kookie." He answered.

"Yay! Another person that I can socialize with when we get back to school!" Hoseok suddenly bobbed in.

"Isn't she pretty?" Taehyung hyung asked. "Yes, she is." Seokjin hyung replied, stuffing all the food into his mouth. "Finish chewing before you talk, hyung." Jimin patted his back.

"But she doesn't wear spectacles in school." Taehyung hyung continued. "How can I not recognise her when her friend sits beside me?!" I still couldn't get over the point.

"Chill, Jungkook. Now you know. Please socialize around more, our kookie." Hoseok hyung commented.

I turned my head and saw her talking to another waiter. I wouldn't consider her as pretty, I guess. But it's cute how she was shy just now around us, unlike all the other fangirls in our school. Interesting.


Here's another chapter! I hope you guys will enjoy! I am so sorry if it's a little boring here but I will try my best to update more frequently with more interesting incidents^^ Please support <3

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