Chapter 24

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Author POV

Everything was settled in place and everyone was happy with they are having now. Except for Kang Minjung. She has been thinking of ways to trip Yuna up but she had got nothing on her. She sat miserably on her desk at home, in her luxurious room. She took a look at Yuna's picture and all the information that she had gathered from the past few weeks. She even hired a private investigator to follow Yuna around to check about her backgrounds and where about. Yuna's life was all about her friends, school and work. There was nothing special about this ordinary girl until Minjung found out something fishy. "Where are Yuna's parents? She should have some family members, doesn't she?"

Minjung called her hired investigator that night and instructed him to search for Yuna's parents or anyone related to her.

Yuna POV

"Here~" I could hear Jungkook from the door of my room before lifting up my head to look at him. "Finish this before continuing with your homework." He said while putting a bowl of noodles in front of me. "You have not taken your dinner and its past midnight already."

"I will get fat by eating this after midnight, Kook ah." I pouted, looking at the bowl of delicious instant noodle in front of me. Every girl knows, eating it as supper is a sin. "I will still love you even if you are fat, isn't that enough?" He sat down beside me, caressing my hair before ruffling it. "Dig in. I would rather you get fat than being unhealthy because you always skip meals."

"But Kook ah-" I tried to protest. "No buts. Eat it before you can continue." He rested his head on his palm, looking at me firmly. I am always defeated when it comes to him. I sighed and started slurping down the noodles. It was then when I realise how hungry I was. "I don't want you to skip meals, do you hear me?" Jungkook wiped the corner of my lips with his thumb, causing my heart to flutter a little when I felt his touch. "I-It wasn't my choice either. It was too busy at the café."

"Then next time, I will bring you food and make sure you eat them before continuing with your work." He nodded and I immediately protested, "It's okay! I will make sure I will get something to eat during my shift."

Jungkook POV

I laughed at her reaction as she carried on with her noodles. She always dislikes me going to her workplace or fetching her from the café. She said it will be troublesome for me. I listened to her because I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable but inside me, I am dying to do everything in the world for her. Isn't fetching my girlfriend from her workplace a normal thing to do? This girl just needs to stop thinking about others before herself.

"I am done!" she clapped her hands, throwing me back into reality. "Good girl." I patted her head. I turned my body when I happen to see the photograph on her wall. It is her family photograph. "You look cute when you are young." I smiled, looking at the chubby little cute cheeks of hers in the photo. "I am cute now too, alright." she rebutted. "Pfft."

"Who is the guy beside your dad?" I pointed to the middle-aged man beside her dad in the photo as I heard a sigh from her. "My uncle." She answered shortly and I felt a sense of avoidance in her tone. "How come I have never seen him before?" I tried asking again. "He is not someone whom you wanna meet. All he wanted was money. None of us was important to him. Not even my grandma or my dad. He is a heartless man. I have not seen him in a while." She said, without even looking up at me. She must be hurt. If only her uncle was someone nice, at least she has somebody to rely on during those hard times.

I washed the bowls in her kitchen before returning back into her room only to find her sleeping on her desk. My lips couldn't help but curled into a small smile upon looking at her defenceless angelic face under her table light.

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