Chapter 31

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Jungkook POV

My eyes fluttered open as I stared at the ceiling in front of me. I levered up my eyelid and shut it again fast. The merciless sunbeam had squirted straight in, as if my brain was bleeding. The taste of the strong alcohol was still lingering in my mouth as I tried to sit up slowly.

I looked around, this familiar environment... Yuna's apartment. I guess I must have mistook hers as mine. I turned my head to take a quite peek at the clock on her wall, 10a.m. My eyes budged out immediately before letting out a loud sigh. "Skipping school today..." I thought as I made my way to her bathroom for a quick wash up. As expected, Yuna must have left for school.

I stepped in, everything's the same. Some of my things are still lying on the same spot. My towel and my toothbrush. My lips couldn't help but curled into a small smile upon having the thought that she still has my things in her apartment. She still has me in her heart...

I walked towards the kitchen when I am done and saw her warmer lit up. "This clumsy Yuna... Still hasn't change..." I brought myself to the switch of the warmer, thinking that she had forgotten to turn it off when a post-it on it caught my eye.

"Eat your breakfast before you go anywhere. And finish the sober up too."

Nothing more, nothing less. She must have been in a rush... if we were still in the past, she would have been sweeter. I bitterly thought to myself as I opened the lid of the warmer, seeing a bowl of warm noodle soup and a bowl of sober up. A gust of warmth filled my heart as I took the dishes out. The last time I have tasted her food was god knows when.

I moved the dishes to the dining table when something dropped out of my jacket's pocket. I turned my gaze to the direction. Yuna's bracelet. I picked it up and put it on the dining table, staring at it as I ate the food. I wondered if she had realised that she had lost it or was she finding for it yesterday...

Namjoon POV

For lunch, we usually separated ourselves from the girls ever since Yuna and Jungkook broke up. But today, I felt the need to call them all together again. Jungkook wasn't in school because he was drunk and I know the reason why. I looked over my shoulder while we were walking towards the café, only to see that Yuna was looking gloomy. More gloomy than other days. I don't want to interfere because they are old enough to feel for themselves.

"Hey," I heard Yuna voiced out. We all turned our gaze to her. "I don't feel like eating. You guys can go ahead without me. I still have some schoolwork to rush." She spoke up and I allowed her to go. Maybe it's not a bad choice after all to not let her know what I was going to discuss later on.

Yuna POV

After I had excused myself, I leisurely strolled my way back into my classroom. My thoughts were all filled about Jungkook. Has he woken up? Is he alright now? The words he said yesterday was also circulating in my brain as I tried to shake it off.

I stepped in from the front door and saw Minjung patching up her makeup on her seat. I didn't spare a look at her and walked past her seat back on mine. "Do you love Jungkook?" she suddenly blurted out in the empty room that only has the two of us. I didn't reply her.

"You know I can do anything to get what I want right? I have told you that before." She continued but I still refuse to reply her. Why is she saying this right now after I have left Jungkook? Isn't this what she wanted? I blame my insecurities for letting her get what she wants.

"I am talking to you." She snapped, walking towards my seat. "I have a name." I said coldly, opening my textbook up, not even looking at her. "Oh right. Jungkook's EX girlfriend." She mocked, emphasizing on the word "ex". "So are you." I challenged back, hoping that she would be affected when she suddenly laughed, sitting on the seat in front of me. "Not anymore." She smirked. I was immediately taken aback when I heard her say that. What does she mean?! I tried to control my expression and my messy feelings before looking at her from my textbook. "So?" I kept calm.

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