Chapter 19

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Author POV

"I am so sorry..." Minjung apologized, almost on the verge of crying. Yuna looked at her with a confused expression before gently asking, "Wae? What happened?"

"I am sorry for tripping you." Minjung looked up to stare at Yuna, a tear rolling down her cheek. "It was an accident, I swear. I was trying to run to the other side of the court when you were running towards me. Everything happened too fast. I felt something against my foot and the next moment, I saw you on the ground." Minjung stepped closer to Yuna, holding her injured hand before Yuna let out a screech. "Omo! Sorry. I didn't know you were hurt that badly." Minjung carefully put Yuna's hand down. "But I am really sorry. Please forgive me." She bowed towards Yuna with tears flowing down uncontrollably.

Yuna was taken aback by the sudden apology. She tried to reach out to Minjung but was stopped by a hand. Jungkook's. He stepped in front of Yuna and lifted Minjung's upper body, "If you are trying to be fake here, you have chosen the wrong timing. A 'sorry' can't cure the pain on Yuna's body. Don't force me to say things that I don't want to mention about." His glare was so intense that it caused a shiver down Minjung's spine.

"Jungkook ah." Yuna called out. The dreadful glare in Jungkook's eyes immediately soften upon hearing his girlfriend's voice as he turned to face her. Yuna motioned him to move to the side as she stared at Minjung. "It's okay. There is nothing to be sorry about. I wasn't careful as well." Yuna spoke up before flashing a smile towards the girl.

"Yuna." Jungkook sternly mumbled but Yuna put a hand up to stop him from speaking. "It's not your fault so don't be guilty or whatsoever. It's only your first day in school." Yuna gave the girl a brief bow before holding onto SinB once again to continue walking.

Yuna wasn't sure if what Minjung said was really true from her heart but she has no rights to doubt her either. She would choose to believe Minjung's tears.

Minjung POV

I hung my head down as they walked past me before hearing Jungkook whispering to me, "I can't believe that you have not changed. Not even a little bit. Try messing with her again and you will get it from me." The coldness in his tone made me shiver.

I looked up to see them walking away from me as I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. "Guilty to make you fall?" I let out a pitiful chuckle. "Over my dead body." I mumbled to myself before staring at the direction where they were walking to. "Choi Yuna." I smirked upon saying her name. "Don't try to take away what's mine."

Author POV

"SinB." Yuna murmured softly, gesturing her to stop. "Wae, unnie?" SinB stopped in her tracks, holding onto Yuna's waist tightly. "I am running out of strength." I said breathlessly.

Yuna's vision was getting blurry as she closed her eyes to endure the pain in her ankle. She needs to at least get out of the main gate, away from all the glares from the schoolmates. Her legs wobbled a little but was caught by Jungkook.

"Are you really okay, Yuna?" Taehyung asked anxiously, swiftly moving himself in front of the injured girl to examine her condition. "You don't look good."

"Yuna, don't force yourself if you really can't walk." Namjoon urged. "Yea, unnie. If you really can't, don't force yourself. You might hurt your ankle even more." Yewon tugged a stand of Yuna's hair behind her ear as drops of sweat were seen forming on Yuna's forehead.

"Yuna, let me carry you. Please." Jungkook's beg turned into a more desperate one. He couldn't bear seeing his girlfriend like that. He clearly knew what she was thinking but nothing is more important than her well-being.

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