Chapter 9

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Author POV

As "forced", Jungkook was loitering in the mall beside where Yuna worked. He didn't want to go home first because he was afraid that he would fall asleep while waiting. He couldn't deny the fact that it is indeed dangerous for a girl to go home alone at 11 pm. 

Even though he was walking at a slow pace around the mall, nothing caught his attention because his brain was too busy thinking about what they should talk about when walking home. He finally gave up after walking so many rounds around the mall and entered a restaurant since it was about dinner time too.
After his light dinner since he didn't have much appetite, he decided to go back to the cafe where Yuna worked, hoping that she wouldn't notice him. He peeped into the cafe through the glass door while contemplating if he should go in after he reached.
To his surprise there wasn't many customers left. He saw her clearing the tables diligently while greeting the customers.
Soon, she was left alone in the cafe after the remaining customers had left. He took a look at his watch and it was turning 10. He then gained his courage and went into the cafe.

Yuna POV
I was clearing the tables when the tinkle bells that were hung at the doors rang. My instinct reaction was to bow and greet. I looked up and saw Jungkook standing right in front of me.
WHAT? AM I DREAMING?! Is that really Jeon Jungkook?! What is he doing here?
I thought to myself but was immediately snapped out of my thoughts as he approached me awkwardly.
"Er... Are you done yet?" He asked, rubbing his nape.
I blinked a few times before shaking my head. "One more hour." I replied, still in disbelief.
"Oh alright. You can go on." He said after brushing his hand across his nose as he sat down on a table near the corner.
I held the tray in my hands before walking slowly to the kitchen to clean them up. Many thoughts filled my mind as I washed the utensil and cups. The atmosphere in the cafe was so stiff because I wasn't sure if I should approach him for a chat or not since he looked so bored.
The remaining hour was just people entering the cafe for takeaways since it was getting very late. I did the last clean up in the cafe at 11 when I saw Jungkook's head lying on the table, in his dreamland. His face was facing me as I was mopping the floor. I have to admit that his face is flawless and he looks just like a kid when he sleeps. My lips uncontrollably curved into a small smile as I continued with my job.
After I was done, I took a look at the clock on the wall. "15 minutes to 12." I said to myself as I put my apron into my worker's locker before getting my bag.
I carefully walked towards Jungkook while he was still sleeping. I sat on a chair on the opposite table, finding myself staring at his face.
What are you doing, Choi Yuna? You are supposed to wake him up and go home! I mentally stabbed myself a hundred times before stretching my arm to shake him lightly.
"Jungkook? Jungkook ah." I shook him a few times. He sat up from his resting position and rubbed his eyes. "Eh?"
"Should we leave now? I am locking the door." I said cautiously.
"Oh. You are done already?" He asked in his little husky voice which I find it really cute. I nodded.
He stood up and went out of the cafe as I offed all the lights and locked the door. I turned to him, "So you are leaving for somewhere now?"
He shook his head, "I am going home..." His voice trailed off as he fidgeted. "With you." He continued and looked around, acting as if he said nothing.
I could feel my cheeks heat up just by this one sentence. Nodding was the only thing I could do at that moment. We walked silently along the pathway when I decided to break the silence.
"Erm... Jungkook-sshi, have you eaten your dinner?"
He turned his head to look at me before nodding his head slowly. I could feel my stomach growling as I had not taken my dinner.
"Then I think you should go ahead first. I will go and pack some food from the opposite." I replied politely, keeping a distance between us.
"I will go with you." He offered but I immediately turned him down. "It's okay, really. I have bothered you too much." I bowed a little as I quickly made my way to the zebra crossing in front to cross the road.
I am not sure if I am trying to avoid him or I feel just too awkward beside him. I walked briskly into a convenient shop to grab some sandwiches, making sure that he did not follow along.
After which, I decided to walk the other shortcut way since I am feeling so tired and I needed my bed so badly. I munched on my sandwich and a can of yogurt drink as I went home.
It was almost 1 am in the morning and the streets were abnormally quiet. The cars were lesser than usual. There was a uneasy feeling inside me but I decided to shake it off as I quickened my steps.
I decided to put on my earpiece to block off all that noises around me that would scare myself. Somehow, music just calms me down.
Little did I know, it was the worst choice ever. I walked past this dark alley when three man appeared out of nowhere beside me. I was wearing my earpiece, thus I did not realise them. I continued to walk normally when one of them stopped in front of me all of a sudden.
"Hey pretty lady, I lost my phone somewhere. Would it be alright if you lend me yours?" He started off with a small smirk. I felt that something was wrong, so I didn't even bother replying him. I walked pass him quickly, trying to escape as fast as I could but I was pulled back by my bag. I turned to see another guys with him as one of me pulled my bag to prevent me from escaping.
"Oh sweetie, don't try to play the hard way. Why are you alone so late at night? Don't you know it's dangerous, babe? Let oppa protect you then." The guy who was pulling my bag teased.
"Let me go before I call the police." I tried to act brave on the outside but inside me was drowning in fright.
"Oh sure, baby. I will let you call the police for all you want after we have you with us tonight." One of them mocked as they surrounded me.
"Such a fine lady," the other brushed his finger on my chin while I yanked his hand off roughly. "But too stubborn." Another added in.
"Just one night babe. Just you and us." The tallest guy among them caressed my cheeks as he pulled my roughly into the dark alley. My earpiece and handphone fell onto the floor as I struggled to break free but he was too strong. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I used all my strength to escape. He threw me onto the rough floor as I yelled in pain.
"Baby girl, do you like it rough or loving? Or are you an innocent virgin?" One of them squad down in front of me while caressing my hair.
"Let me go... Please." Tears rolled down uncontrollably as I begged for help.
"Too late sweetie. I guess you are a virgin then. You look sweet and fresh." He licked him lips as he looked straight into my eyes.
"Please..." Was the only word I could mumbled with my trembling voice. I brought my legs closer to my chest slowly.
He gave off a sly smirk before teasing, "Don't worry my baby. I will treat you right." He grabbed my collar, giving it a vigorous pull, causing my first button on my shirt to fly. His face was so near my neck as I tried all my strength to push him away.
"Let her go." A voice shouted across the alley as I quickly turned to see who was it, but it was too dark in the alley and I could only see a figure.
"Who are you to tell me what to do and get lost." One of them hissed.
"Let her go before I crush all of you into pieces." The man challenged.
"Oh great. One busybody. Challenge me." The guy in front of me stood up as he cracked his knuckles. Before I could prepare myself, a fight unfold before my eyes. I brought my legs closer to myself as I was too weak to do anything. I just stared at them fight blankly as that mysterious guy beat them up almost effortlessly. I closed my eyes tightly, not wanting to know what's happening anymore. I kept praying in my heart that everything would be fine.

After a few minutes with my eyes clenching, I heard the same voice. "Get lost now before I really crush you into pieces."

I heard the three guys groaning from pain as their footsteps got further and further away. "Are you okay?" a very familiar voice right before me as I slowly opened my eyes. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I threw myself in his arms without thinking.

Jungkook POV

"Are you okay?" I ran in front of Yuna to check on her. She opened her eyes to look at me for a few seconds before hugging me, bursting into tears. My body stiffened up once again as I let her cry on my shoulders. After a few minutes, I carefully helped her up and check on the small wounds on her arms and knees before realising that her shirt was a little torn due to the forceful grip by the guys. I took off my outer wear and covered over her as I held onto her to go home.

The trip was quiet as we reached our apartment. "Thank you..." she muttered weakly as she wanted to turn to her apartment. "Do you want to come over to my place to clear your wounds first? I think you might be too weak to do it yourself." I offered, looking at her in that state. She looked at me for a moment with a blank expression before nodding a little. I continued to held onto her as I unlocked my door to let her in.

I cleaned the blood that was on her knees and the scratches she got from the struggle after she got a quick bath. I gave her my normal long white tee that landed just nice slightly above her knees. She was muted all the time as she just sat there, letting me cure her wounds. I handed her a cup of warm tea and sat beside her.

"Can I stay here for tonight? I can sleep on the sofa." The first full sentence that I have heard from her since the incident. I hesitated for a split second before nodding.

"Ermm... then I will just go for a quick shower too. You can make yourself comfortable." I rubbed my thighs nervously before standing up and walking swiftly to the bathroom.

After which, I walked out to the living room to check on her again while drying my hair with a towel, only to find her falling asleep on the sofa with the cup in her hands. I steadily made my way towards her before taking the cup away from her hands, trying my best not to wake her up before carrying her bridal style to the guest room. I lied her down carefully on the bed, covering the blanket over her slim figure.

Looking at her pale face, I brushed her bangs to the side to let the wound on her forehead air a little before turning off the lights. "Good night..." I softly whispered as I closed the doors.


Guys! I am back with another chapter! I hope this is not so boring for you guys! Enjoy and do comment along <3

I am so hooked to this song now! <3 credits to owner ^^

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