Chapter 11

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Author POV
Things went on smoothly as Bangtan and the girls got so much closer that they became one whole gang of 13 people. The students already kind of got use to their existence as 13 although some girls will still shoot the girls with dreadful glares. As for Yuna and Jungkook, they both got use to going school and going home after Yuna's work together. Jungkook opened up a lot towards Yuna from the few weeks of interaction and this was surprising to everyone, including the Bangtan boys.

It was a Sunday and Yuna specially took a day off from work for this special occasion. She prepared all the fruits and flowers for later as she put them neatly in a big bag as usual. She dressed very simply, letting her hair down before leaving the house after a quick breakfast.
The moment she stepped out of the house, she saw Jungkook locking his door too.

Jungkook POV
It was a perfect weather for a jog as I woke up. I changed into my jogging suit and sports shoes and left house. Just as I was locking the door, Yuna was locking hers too. She looked a little different today as compared to other days. Maybe because I have not seen her in her casual clothes before. She dressed very simply in a white dress with a basket of fruits and flowers.

"Morning." She greeted me with a smile as I did the same.

"Where are you heading to?" I asked her while waiting for the lift together. I felt her hesitation as she went silent for a few seconds.

"Erm... I am going to visit someone." She forced a smile. My mouth shaped into an 'O' shape as I didn't want to go on any further to ask her.

As soon as we reached the ground level, she sped off without even saying a word to me. She isn't someone like this... I thought to myself as her actions stirred up my curiosity.

Being a busybody that isn't usual for me, I decided to follow her secretly. She did not take a bus or a taxi as she paced herself steadily walking past streets after streets. Just as I was slowing down my pace to rest a bit, she turned into a small walkway suddenly. I quickened my steps to follow her to find out that it is leading to a cemetery.

I stopped for a moment, contemplating if I should continue following. Who could she be visiting? I decided to go on following her. Curiosity kills a cat anyways.

I looked at her from a distance as she kneeled down in front of a tombstone.

Yuna POV
I carefully cleaned the tombstone in front of me with a clean cloth and after which, placed the fruits and flowers neatly in front.
"Appa, Umma, your daughter is here to see you. I am doing good as usual. Exams will start soon in a few months. I have met new friends in my new class. It's a bunch of guys and one of them is my new neighbour. He is not that talkative but he is a nice guy. So don't worry, Appa umma, I will take care of myself well."
A tear slid down my cheeks and I quickly wiped it off with the back of my hand. My parents wouldn't like to see me like this. I need to stay strong for them.
I stood up and moved to the one beside my parents'.

"Halmonim..." I called out as I put her Favourite flower in front of her tombstone. As compared to my parents, I am the closest to my grandma. She raised me up, took care of me when my parents passed away. I wiped her photograph slowly as another tear fell.

She is such a nice lady. A lady that I can never find in the world anymore. The one who will always be there for me whenever I needed her. The one who will protect me from any harm that might occur. She is perfect in my heart and always will be.

"Why must you leave me so early? Why would you think that I can live alone in this cruel world? I need you so badly, grandma. I missed you so much. I need someone to be there for me whenever I am down or tired. I will always remember your words and your smile that never fail to brighten up my day..."

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