Chapter 7

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Author POV

Right after school, Yerin and Yuna met up with the girls to inform them about the dinner they will be having with Bangtan tonight.

"WHAT?! No, I don't want to go." Sojung declined almost immediately. "Wae unnie? Do you not like them or something? You have been weird these days, especially when we mention about Bangtan." Yuna finally spoke up after all the observations.

Sojung stopped for a second as if something was stuck in her throat as she shook her head profusely. "N-No. I mean it would be awkward right?"

"I don't really mind." SinB answered while leaning on her locker, earning a glare from Sojung.

"I mean you guys have to go; it wasn't a choice. We agreed to the plan already." Yerin shrugged, giving them a grin.

Sojung POV

Oh my gosh. Was Yerin out of her mind? She knew that Taehyung already saw me and Eunha!

"I will head to the washroom alright. Later, in the evening at 6 pm, we will meet Bangtan outside school. Don't be late." Yerin informed as she walked past me, tugging my hand to tell me to follow her.

"Unnie, Yuna will need to know anyways. Isn't it better to let Jungkook and her get close before they knew that they are neighbours? Jungkook is a cold guy and we all know that. He will need a longer time to get friendly. So I thought it wasn't a bad idea to go have dinner with them, since they might get some bonding session." Yerin explained as soon as we reached the washroom.

I nodded, giving her the acknowledgment. "I understand. Alright, I will see you guys there at 6. So you are going off with Yuna now?" I asked.

"Yes, to buy a present for Jungkook." She laughed as I did too.

Yuna POV

Yerin unnie and I headed to the nearest mall to shop for a present that is suitable for my new neighbour. I only information I had was that he is a guy. I cracked my head as I linked arms with Yerin unnie.

"I really have no idea what I should buy for someone I do not know." I scratched my head.

"How about you can buy some general stuffs like furniture? A shirt? Food?" she suggested. I sighed and looked around before spotting a keychain through the glass window. It was keychain with a letter "J". I know he is called Mr Jeon.

Feeling excited, I pulled unnie into the shop. "You found something?" she looked puzzled as she followed me. I nodded while pointing to the keychain. "His name is Mr Jeon. J is the correct letter for him." I smiled.

Just then, the saleswoman approached us. "This keychain comes with a soft cushion, Miss. You can choose any one of the designs from these 4."

"I will get this. With that doggie cushion." I made up my mind after scanning through the cushions. The woman nodded while smiling, taking a new keychain and cushion for me.

"May you please help me to wrap them up nicely too? Thank you." I smiled.

"You are fast as usual, Choi Yuna." Yerin unnie laughed. "You know I don't like shopping, unnie." I gave her a weird expression as she hit my arm, laughing harder.

I paid for the presents before turning to unnie. "Should we go grab some ice cream and go home?"

We did as I said before parting with each other to our own homes.

Jungkook POV

I slammed myself on the sofa while staring at the clock. What would happen later? How do I approach the girls? Should I say 'Hi' first or wait for them? What if that Yuna girl is my neighbour for real?

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