Chapter 10

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Author POV

The next morning arrived too early for both Jungkook and Yuna as they slept for only a few hours. Jungkook woke up lazily as he crawled to the bathroom to wash up and changed into his uniform. After which, he walked into the guest room where Yuna was sleeping last night with quiet steps. He shook her softly, "Yuna?"

She woke up, rubbing her eyes as Jungkook helped her to sit up from her lying position.

"Are you feeling better?" Jungkook asked as he checked her bruises. Yuna still hasn't recover from the incident which occurred to her yesterday as she nodded weakly. "Thank you." She mumbled while looking at him.

Yuna POV

The sunlight shone through the windows and hit clearly on Jungkook's face. I could finally see his face clearly since yesterday's incident. I stared at his face with the help of the light and saw a plaster on his forehead. He brushed my bangs lightly, checking on the wound on mine. I took a peek on his hand and saw another plaster on it.

"Are you okay?" I finally spoke up as he nodded. "I am fine. Do you wanna go to school today? You should stay at home for today and rest." He suggested.

"I will." I replied, trying to get down the bed. "Where are you going?" he asked, holding my shoulders to stop me. "Going home." I answered, flinching at his sudden contact on my shoulder which was bruised. He immediately removed his hand, "Oh sorry. You can stay here first until I am back from school. I have some food in the fridge." He said and stood up to walk out of the room before turning back one last time to face me, "So don't leave the house until I am back."

I felt a hot flush rush up my neck and face as he walked out the room. *He is not that cold after all.* My lips turned into a small smile as I slowly walked to the kitchen.

Jungkook POV

I was almost late for school as I rushed into the classroom. I saw Yerin noona looking puzzled, "Where's Yuna?" she asked. "I will explain later." I whispered to her as the teacher walked in.

After a few hours of lessons, Bangtan and the girls met up at the café during lunch time.

"Where's Yuna unnie?"

"Is she sick?"

"Why didn't she text me?"

"Is she alright?"

All the questions were bombarding me the moment I sat down. "Calm down girls. Let Jungkook talk." Namjoon hyung voiced out as they all turned to me.

"It's a long story." I started what happened yesterday from the very start to end. "She is now at my apartment resting. She is fine, so don't worry that much. She wasn't hurt badly." I ended as I looked at their worried faces.

"So unnie is almost raped?!" SinB was half shouting as Sojung noona instantly covered her mouth.

"SinB! Choose the right things to blurt!" Yerin noona scolded as she flicked SinB's forehead lightly.

"Is she really okay now? Should we go and visit her after school?" Seokjin hyung proposed and the rest agreed.

After school, we all gathered at the school gate as we made our way to my apartment. I unlocked and let them in and a few seconds later, hearing Eunha shouting, "She is not here!"

I frowned and made my way to the guest room, only seeing the clothes that I lent her yesterday, neatly folded on the bed together with the blanket. I took a look at the clock, half-past six. I heard another call from the kitchen as I dashed out of the room.

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