Chapter 20

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Author POV

A few days past ever since Yuna was injured. She is now able to walk steadily on her own but at a slower pace. Jungkook is always by her side, wherever and whenever. She enjoys his care but not the attention she is receiving from the others.

"Yah, I have Yerin unnie with me alright. You don't have to always be around me." Yuna sighed as she slowly walked out of the restroom with Yerin. Jungkook was there, leaning against the nearest locker, waiting for Yuna. "Your boyfriend knows what to do best." Jungkook smiled and wrapped his arm around his girlfriend, walking into class.

Jungkook hadn't face Minjung ever since the talk with her. He doesn't know how to approach her, so he chose to avoid. The only good thing was that Minjung did not bother him either. Until this day, when she suddenly put a note on his table secretly, telling him to meet her at the rooftop during break time. Since Minjung was the one who initiated, Jungkook thought that it would be a good chance to clear up their past.

Minjung POV

It was in the midst of Physics lesson when I saw Yuna asking permission to leave for the washroom. Asa, this is my chance! I realised that Jungkook didn't follow her along, so I excused myself to the restroom as well.

I heard the toilet flushed as I quickly pretended to wash my hands at the basin. "Oh, hey." I greeted her through the mirror as the cubical door opened. She flashed me a smile, "Hey." She walked forward carefully and slowly.

"Yuna." I started off. "Mhmm?" she replied, concentrating on the soap dispenser.

"I would like to talk to you later. During break time." I requested. She looked at me through the mirror before nodding, "Sure. About what?" she asked. "Nothing much. Since I don't have many friends here in school, I just wanted to catch up some academic stuffs with you, if you don't mind of course." I tried to flash her the sweetest smile. "Of course I don't mind." She beamed, cleaning her hands with the tissue. "I will meet you at the roof top during lunch break then." She nodded and went out of the washroom.

"Sometimes being too nice is not good, Choi Yuna." I smirked before flinging my hands to flick the water off.

Author POV

Everything went on perfectly just like how Minjung had planned. The bell rang and it was finally lunch time.

"What do you guys wanna eat?" Yerin asked while tidying up her desk. "I will not be eating with you guys. I have some things to settle." Jungkook replied, rushing out of class without a word.

"Woah, whassup with Jungkook?" Hoseok asked, walking towards the remaining three. Taehyung shrugged with a pout.

"Yuna?" Yerin turned her gaze to the younger one. "I am not sure either. But I won't be able to eat with you guys too." Yuna gave them an apologetic smile. "Reason?" Hoseok stared at the younger female.

"Minjung asked me for help, for her school work." Yuna bluntly explained. "WHAT?! You mean that Minjung? Jungkook's ex-girlfriend?" Taehyung questioned and Yuna just dropped her head for a slight nod. "And you accepted?!" Yerin gasped.

"I don't see a reason why I shouldn't. It's just helping another classmate out. Don't be so worked up, guys. See you all around." Yuna raised a hand for a goodbye before leaving the classroom.

Jungkook POV

"Minjung?" I walked up to the rooftop, only to see her back facing me. She turned to look at me, "Oh, you are here."

I walked up to her carefully, "Something you wanna tell me?" my tone was so different from the last time. After knowing all about her past, I can't fully forgive her but at the same time, I felt sorry for her.

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