Chapter 23

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Author POV

"Are you guys done with your composing? The assessment is tomorrow!" Taehyung shrieked after they gathered together at the café in school.

"I am almost done." Jimin nodded, munching on his sandwich.

"Me too." Sojung added in. Most of them were done with their composing, except Jungkook. He is somewhere there but yet he still couldn't piece his lyrics together. He looked deeply at his source of inspiration, thinking hard.

"Kook? Jungkook?!" Namjoon pushed his forehead to make Jungkook come back to his senses. "Yeah?" Jungkook replied in daze. "Why are you looking at Yuna like that? Although she is your girlfriend but it's too creepy, small boy." Jimin laughed with the rest, leaving the couple with burning red cheeks. "I-I was just thinking about something!" Jungkook protested. "And you are the small boy here, hyung. I can't even see you when I stand up." He smirked at the older one. "YAH! JEON JUNGKOOK!" Jimin raged, throwing an air punch at the evil maknae. "It's not our fault that we are short alright!" Eunha barged in with a pout. She is the shortest among the girls as well.

"Exactly!" Jimin hi-fived with the female as they stared down at Jungkook. "Fine. Fine. I was just stating the truth alright." He mumbled under his breathe.

Later that night, he locked himself in his room with his laptop in front of him, playing his demo over and over again. "I need to get this right!" he growled, irritated. He had been changing his rhythm and lyrics multiple times. He even seeks help from Namjoon hyung. He closed his eyes shut, trying his best to get back the feel of the song.

He did not sleep for the entire night just to edit his first composed song for his one and only Yuna. The sunshine shone into his room through the curtains as he held his piece of music up and cheered, "Finally!"

Jungkook POV

The sleepless night did not bother me in school as I was too excited to perform my own composed song. I am sure Yuna will like it. I thought to myself as I went into the classroom.

"How's your composing?" Yerin noon turned to me as the other two turned their body to face me. "Not bad, I guess." I nodded with a smile, looking at Yuna.

"What are your song titles?" Taehyung hyung asked. "Mine is LOL! Laugh out loud~ Smile everyone!" Yerin noona smiled brightly as we all agreed that she is our sunshine girl!

"Mine's 잡아줘 (Hold me tight)." Taehyung hyung proudly presented his piece on his table as he clapped his hands. "Give me a round of applause please."

"Mine's MAMA!" We heard Hoseok hyung from afar. He winked and sat on my table.

"You, Jungkook?" Hoseok hyung turned his head to look at me. "Butterfly." I said and earning a "woo" cheer from the rest. "That sounds beautiful." Yerin noona patted my shoulder. "And yours?" I smiled at Yuna in front of me. "시간을 달려서 (Rough)." She winked, earning another mini uproar from the others. "Choi Yuna! I should have asked you to help me!" Yerin noona pouted.

Yuna POV

"Okay class, today is the due date for your assignment. I believe you guys have put in a lot of effort, so good luck to everyone. I will be going down the list of names and when I call your name, can you please come up to the front of the class to present your song to all of us." Mrs Son gave us the instructions and the assessment started right after a small buzz. Everyone was so good with their songs and my heart beat started beating faster each time.

Even Yerin unnie, Hoseok and Taehyung oppa had finished their assessment and I am sure they did great. "Unnie! Your song is so cute!" I turned to give her a thumbs up. "I thought of you guys when I was writing it." she gave us a small wink before taking a sip of water.

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