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"Could you please stop it" he mumbled when Ravi tried to wake him up.
"I've already told you that I don't want to get up so early".
"Taekwoonie it's already 12. It is already noon" he said and caressed his cheek.
"Yaah it's early" he replied and changed his sleeping position.
"But I already made lunch".
"Well that's an argument" he said and got up.
"I knew you would get up if I made lunch" Ravi said and took his hand.
"Well it's not my fault" he said and smiled softly.
"I love your cute little smile but why can't you smile more often?".
"You will never know the answer" he replied before he sat down and began to eat.

"Thank you for making this" Leo said while they were cleaning the table.
"No problem" he replied abd finished cleaning it.
"What should we do today Leo?".
"It is raining right know. We could watch a movie" he suggested and soon after they were cuddling on the couch while watching a movie.
"Why are the films you want to watch always so sentimental?" Ravi asked his boyfriend and looked at him.
"I like that. Why don't you like it?" he asked and pouted a little.
"I don't know. But if you want to watch it, I'm okay with it" he said and gave him a little peck.
"But it's not okay if you don't want to watch it" Leo said with his quiet, cute voice of his. And this is one of the many reasons why he's so loveable. He is always kind and has a caring heart especially when it comes to animals and children.

After the movie was over, it was already 5 and they didn't know what to do. Leo decided to make dinner, because Ravi made lunch and they were already hungry.
Ravi was happy to have a boyfriend like Leo and Leo was happy to have a boyfriend like Ravi.
After dinner, Leo decided to play on the black grand piano. He sang one of his favorite songs while playing and Ravi really loves it hearing his precious boyfriend sing.
He sat beside him and waited for him to finish his song. As soon as he finished he embraced him and laid his chin on head of his head.

"You really have an angelic voice. I love it".
"And I love you".
They sat there quite for a while, while watching the rain drops on their big panorama window.
Their relationship was truly beautiful.
They always showed their affection towards each other.
Some would think they wouldn't complete each other, but in reality the loud and funny boy was perfect for the quiet, shy older male.
It was good for Leo to have someone like Ravi and it was also good for Ravi to have someone who can always calm him.

It was already late at night when they decided to go to bed and cuddle with each other again. When you see them on the street you would think they are a badass couple but in reality they love to cuddle and to compliment their partner. Especially Leo was very different from his looks and his personality. Some who would see him for the first time would think he is very talkative and open-minded but in reality he is shy and he doesn't talk very much.
But for Ravi he is perfect. In his looks and his personality. It doen't matter that he is shy and quiet he loves everything about him.
But in contrast to Leo, Ravi is very talkative and loud. Sometimes a little bit too loud and hyper but he is the perfect match for someone like Leo.
Leo loves him how he is, even though that he is the rather quiet type and Ravi the loud one.

"Ravi can you please switch of the light?" Leo asked his boyfriend looking at him with his angelic eyes.
"Sure" he replied and switched the light out.
"Sleep well Angel" Ravi said and saw Leo smiling softly at him.
"You too" he said and closed his eyes.
For Ravi it is natural, that he doesn't show him much affection. This only made him more special. But he knew, that he looks over everything and would made everything to save their relationship. To Ravi Leo is precious and he was sure he will never let him down. Well he thought that at least.

Leo on the other hand was sure that he will never let his boyfriend down. No matter how hard it'll be, he will always stay by his side and make everything for him. Deep inside Leo was always hoping, that the two of then will die together when they are old enough and smile about their relationship, when they tell their grandchildren about it.
But he was also a little bit scared of the future. Will they die together? Will they be happy together? Will they even have a future together? These were the things which made Leo stay up the whole night and think about and it was always Ravu who said everything's gonna be alright. He then put his arms around him and in Ravis arm's Leo was finally able to fall asleep.
Tonight was none of these nights. Leo was very tired and fell asleep really quick but instead Ravi was up the whole night and was thinking about many things. At 6 AM he finally got up and went downstairs he then decorated the table with rosed to surprise Leo later that day. Ravi was looking forward to how his boyfriend will react, because finally he will suprise him with something bigger than their house. Well not bigger in size, but definitely bigger in meaning

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