Chapter 5

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The following day...
There I was standing in front of the airport gate again. As I always do every morning now. *sigh
Since when did my life become so pathetic? If I were ever going to meet EXO, I would die if they met me as a cleaner. Oh well, another day of cleaning. Here goes! With that, I push the door open, entering the airport with a defeated feeling.
"Hey Min" I said as I pushed the locker room open. Min was getting her daily doses of Jamie Oliver. Yeap, my so-called mentor here actually has a huge passion for food. Although that, she is quite slim for a foodlover. She brings homecooked food every single day without fail.
As soon as Min saw me, her eyes lit up.
"Sashimi! We have loads of work to do today! Madam left us off with a lot of work. It seems that the people above her are giving her pressure due to some Korean celebrities coming in a few days time,"
Not just any Korean celebrities my dear Min, its EXO!!! My ideal boys are coming to see me!! Hahaha, how I wish they were really coming here to see me, only me. Ahhh, how I would love to swoon at Chanyeol and Sehun and their unbelievable height. Don't even get started on their charismatic looks! Ohhh and to think of Chanyeol's bright smile that can just make anyone else who sees it feel lightheaded and all warm inside. *.* I would die if I saw that in real life. I meant it LITERALLY FAINT!
"EARTH TO SASHIMI!! Enough dreaming my dear! Lets get to work, its gonna be a really long day," with that, Min headed out of the locker room leaving me alone.
Ugh, I have to stop dreaming for awhile. Its keeping me too off track. I quickly changed into my uniform and head towards the mens' toilet. The odd thing is, this airport does not allow any male cleaners. I have no idea why but the reason goes way back then. I was too lazy to hear Min tell me the whole story.
It was around 9 am in the morning and I am pretty sure that I have to hurry up because usually I come earlier and there aren't anyone in the bathroom. Cleaning the toilet is always my first task. The Gents'. I hated it, but as a trainee, this is what I have to go through.
So there I was, scrubbing the sink. As a usual routine, I would place my phone in a pouch and hang it on the wall. EXO's songs would be filling the whole bathroom as i scrub it all clean.
~You're my XOXO L.O.V.E! You're my XOXO L.O.V.E!
This was one of my favourites out of all the tracks in their album. I was singing along when suddenly I heard footsteps indicating people entering the bathroom. OH SASHIMI! Why didnt you remember that its not THAT early in the morning to do all this! Oh dear, I totally forgot.
I seriously didn't know what to do. The whole toilet was practically flooded with soapy water! I just did what came first into my mind. I pulled my fringe to cover my face a little and continued scrubbing.
There are two people entering the bathroom. OH GOSH. If only Min were here with me, SHE would know what to do.
I don't think they realised that I was there because they were busy talking to each other. Boy, do their voices sound so familiar. My heart started pounding even faster while I tried desperately to focus my all on scrubbing the sink clean,as well as holding a hose with its water running in my left hand. What if they were my classmates in college? Oh my gosh, I will really die of embarassment at that time.
"OH! There is someone cleaning here! Sorry to disturb you Mister!" Said one of them.
I didn't even glance at them so I couldn't make out any physical details about them. From their voice, I know that they are young.
Wait, what did he say? MISTER??!!!
"I'm a girl okay!"
And my heart froze at the moment I laid my eyes on the pair of them.
Without realising I pointed to them with the hose. Oh man did I want to die at that moment? A DEFINITE YES.
I think my face was absolutely priceless. So was theirs, as I drench them with cold water.
"MISS!!" Both of them shrieked in surprise.
"OH!!" I quickly point the hose down to the floor and went to close the tap.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm really really sorry," I said, looking down.
Then out of the blue, Chanyeol started to laugh. His laughter filled the bathroom and it felt like music to my ears. Oh how I long to hear it live like this. Sehun was apparently looking at me. I was caught staring at Chanyeol with full admiration. UGH, just as I thought this day couldn't get any worse.
"Its alright. We were about to have a shower anyway, right Sehunnie?" Choked Chanyeol in between his laughter.
"Mm" Agreed Sehun with a slight nod. Always so cool huh Sehun?
"Umm, so uh, miss? Do you have any towels that we can wipe ourselves with?" asked Chanyeol, his eyes creating a pretty realistic dagger straight into my heart. uhh, I'm starting to feel dizzy. Is this a dream?
I quickly turned to grab some towels that i usually use to clean windows, well its unused okay. Don't kill me just yet. Unfortunately, I spun around too fast and accidently lost my balance. In order to avoid the fall, my hand pulled whatever that was nearby.
You see, the hose was looped around the tap, so this makes the water run again. But this time, the force that my weight has brought made the tap open all the way, making the hose exert water in full force.
You guys are aware that I am small and petite right? The water's force was so great that I was pushed backwards, tumbling into Sehun.
"OH SHIT!" I think that was Sehun.
In addition to my already dizzy head, the water's force managed to knock all the wind out of me. Leaving my sight wandering into the darkness. All I could makeout before my complete blackout was Chanyeol's worried voice and the feeling of someone's arms around me.
Well, that is my update :) I hope you guys enjoyed it! I wonder what happens next to our poor little Sashimi??
Find out in the next chapter ;)
Till then, do vote and comment!

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