Chaper 6 : Of clumsiness

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Chapter 6 : Of clumsiness

 "Paaaaaaaaa, paaaaaaaa, paaaaaaaa,"

My father just barely glances at me and continue to read whatever there is on his Samsung S4. We were heading towards the airport.

Huh, I wanted that phone so badly since it came out. I'm currently using the Samsung Ace Plus which is a bit small for me as I wanted a bigger screen. ANYWAY..

"APPAAAAAAA! Do I have to do this? huh, paaa??"

I'm feeling a sense of dejavu here. 

"Aishh, shushhh Sashimi. You are disturbing the art of silence here,"

The heck? Art of silence, my ass!

"Paaa, why paaa, whyy?"

"Take it as an experience that you will gain my dear, dear Sashimi,"

"But Paaaa, I was already gaining experience at home! I surf the Internet! Really GREAT experience you know Pa"

I was beginning to go all pouty. Well, I am the only child. What do you expect? Plus, I was about to be forced to do things I do not want to do. *sigh.

You see, my father is a man of few words. But the thing is, every single action he took has a hidden agenda that usually has a HUGE effect on me. I meant it.

So here we are heading to the airport, as my father said, for training.

WAIT, I think i just replayed a chapter of my life again. Am I not awake right now? It all feels so real though. What happened to me before this? I can't seem to recall. As I stumble upon the replayed scenes, my vision of them are starting to fade. Whats happening here?? 

I was slowly regaining consciousness.

And so were my senses.

As soon as I could feel my body again, the cold and wetness struck me like a knife! My body jerked due to the shock and I started shivering. I haven't opened my eyes yet but I could feel that there was someone trying to keep me warm. Strong arms held a jacket firm around my small body. 

Slowly, I opened my eyes. The lights were pretty blinding as my eyes tried to adapt to my surroundings. 

"Miss? Are you alright? You made us so worried!"  It was Chanyeol's arms that kept me warm. Embarassing myself, I blushed deeply. 

Every fangirl's dream was to be in the arms of her bias. And here I am, living my 5 minutes long dream, all thanks to the hose :D  

I looked around and couldn't see Sehun anywhere. Where did he go?

Chanyeol saw my confused face. 

"Don't worry. Sehunnie already dried his shirt and went to get some hot chocolate,"

How did his shirt dry so fast??

Like telepathy, he answered, "He used the hand dryer,"

My mouth formed and 'O' to acknowledge it. Silence settled around us and suddenly, we became  very much aware of how tight he is hugging me. And slowly, like as if we were under a bewitching spell, our eyes met. 

His eyes weren't of any special colour, they were brown. But the things that it shows through those windows of his soul made me fall for it straight away. My heartbeat started to pound against my chest, making me feel like I'm a ticking bomb thats about to explode anytime. His eyes, the ones that I have been longing for to gaze into ever since I knew of his heartwarming personality. I fell for his personality and not his looks. Thats how deep I was in love with him. Personally, I think Sehun made it to the most goodlooking one for me. But it was Chanyeol who captured my heart. I will forever keep this little secret in my heart because I know that romance between a fangirl and her idol is pretty much impossible. That fact made my heart ache so hard that tears started to brimm my eyes and I had to break the gaze and look down.

Chanyeol's forehead formed a crease of worry. He hugged me tighter, thinking that I was probably cold. With that, my tears fell down my cheeks. Why oh why? Why now do I have to be soo emotional? Oh right, its THAT time of the month :(

Without our realisation, Sehun had been watching the whole time. He cleared his throat, making both Chanyeol and I jump. He was just standing at the entrance of the toilet with his head tilted to the side and his brow raised.

"Why don't we get out of this toilet? Its getting weird staying in the toilet so long huh?" said Chanyeol with a warm smile.

 It turns out that he had been covering and keeping me warm with his jacket. 

I returned the smile and slowly he loosen his arms around me to allow me to stand up. My legs were dead due to being on the floor too long, so I had to struggle to lift myself. 

Chanyeol saw this and aided me to stand up. He was too tall to allow me to put my arms around him to let me limp. Due to this, before I knew it, he slid his hands around me and lifted me up bridal-style. I think my expression was too surprised that even expressionless Sehun laughed. 

I looked at Chanyeol and he just shrugged and smiled. I feel that I will forever remember this day :3

Outside of the toilet, there was a bench, so Chanyeol placed me there. Both Sehun and Chanyeol quickly pulled out caps out of their bags and wore them.

"To avoid any crazy scenes being created here," Sehun winked at me. OHHH, I DIED.

Yeapp, I have seen how airport arrivals are like for them. They were crazy!! Like literally crazy. Poor Luhan got pushed down one time. Wasn't sure when that was though.

Chanyeol and Sehun sat at both sides of me. Sehun was starting to fumble about with his phone. I turned my gaze towards Chanyeol and immediately regretted it. He was looking at me with an expression I could not read. If only I could read minds and tell what he is thinking right now. 

"So how come you guys are here already? I meant like, aren't you supposed to come tomorrow? Thats what I read from the newspapers," I asked, wow I'm so proud of myself!! I could actually speak so casually when my heart is the total opposite.

"Our manager planned that. He wanted us to atleast come to a country without being buzzed about. EXO-M and EXO-K will take turns feeling the freedom. We did that in the last country we went to. EXO-M felt their freedom so now its our turn," he smiled warmly. 

Chanyeol had always been the happy one, the Happy Virus, that was what he was called. I could feel his warm and friendly aura radiating from him so beautifully. My heart is starting to feel the same ache it did back then in the toilet. OH NO! Stop here Sashimi!!

I regained my composure and said, "I see. So where are the other members of EXO-K?"

"They are busy looking around the airport to shop for some things," Chanyeol answered. He pointed to my uniform and asked, "Say, what is a teenager and a cute girl like you doing in a toilet scrubbing sinks?"

I totally forgot that I was working! Oh my goshhhh, I am so going to die if Madam ever sees me sitting on a bench talking to two Korean boys like as if I myself am on a holiday.

"OH! Right! Thank you for reminding me, I've got work to do! I'm a part timer here, thanks for everything though!" I stood up and quickly started rushing towards the locker room. I wasn't very far from the bench when Chanyeol shouted, "MISS! I DIDN'T GET YOUR NAME!!"

His voice made my head turn around, making me not see where I was running towards. I bumped into someone bigger than I was (who else would be smaller than me besides small children) and fell backwards. OUCH!

As I looked up, I realised I just left the gates of  Heaven to face the wrath of Hell. There infront of me was Madam with her coffee spilled all over her usually white blouse. Yeap, I should be thinking of my will right now. 



I hope you guys liked it :) Poor little Sashimi! Although I would love to be in her place if I would be with Chanyeol and Sehun like that ;) Do vote and comment!

Till then, amalazhari :-*

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