Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The image of a child start to form in my head.  A damned child. All pale and bloody. Stop it Sashimi Stop it! The child smiled its wicked smile and began to crawl in an odd manner towards me. I realise that its eyes weren't even there. Just empty sockets. My hand start to tremble.  At that exact moment, I opened my eyes and the child disappeared. But what is in its place was far much worse and real than before.

A runned over poster of Chanyeol on the road.

Tears started forming in my eyes as I ran towards it and kneeled next to it. With full gentleness, I picked the poster up and cradled it in my hands. I know the fact that pieces of papers are hard to be cradled considering its thin and all. But its CHANYEOL'S POSTER I'm talking about! I had to cradle it no matter what. I tried my best to straighten it out. And then I realised that one of his legs is about to be teared due to the severe runover. That made me gasp as I imagine what it would be like to have the real Chanyeol with his leg nearly chopped off. Tears start to stream my cheeks again. Its ridiculous. I KNOW. I'm crying over a bloody poster. But the thing is, my dear readers, its all I have close to the real Chanyeol. My affection for him is so great to the extend that a mere poster of him being runned over by a car was enough to make me cry as if Chanyeol really was in an accident. *sigh. I know. I'm pathetic. 

I placed down the wrecked poster on the road again in order to search for a tape in my bag. I went through it coolly first, totally absorbed in searching for the tape. It was really dark so I had to take extra time. I still couldn't find the tape. Desperate, I decided to empty my bag and go through everything so that I could get Chanyeol's leg properly done. I stuck my head into the darkness of my bag and right then,  I remembered that I had a secret zip that I had personally sewn to keep my things from going missing. I rolled my eyes due to annoyance of my own forgetful mind. I had to stick my head into the bag again.

Just then...


Chanyeol sat in the utmost back seat, alone. Blasting his ears with Coldplay, his eyes wander off into the sky, not really seeing it as his mind flies back to the petite girl he met that fateful day. Her shy smile, her clear eyes that always seems to flicker down to her feet when shes nervous or scared, her childlike voice, her small doll-like figure that made him want to protect her. But one of the most things that made him curious about her is her eyes. She seemed to have a bit of softness in her eyes whenever he managed to catch a glimpse of it. The moments were always seconds as she always averts his eyes. But he could see it. Something he could not quite put his finger on. Chanyeol's forehead started to crease as he thought hard about it. 

"What has been bothering you eh Chanyeol?" voiced Do Kyungsoo (D.O.). He was watching Chanyeol quietly the whole time. And being caring little D.O., he couldn't resist asking. 

Chanyeol snapped out of his thoughts and looked at D.O.. His eyes warmed as he smiles at D.O., "Oh, nothing major, D.O.. Just trying to think of ways to lighten moods in variety shows," he answers. D.O. raised his eyebrows and stared at Chanyeol hard. 

"Do Kyungsoo, I swear, if you continue to stare at me like that, you're eyes could pop out of your head!" Chanyeol cracked up. "Good one hyung!" Sehun laughed and the others join him as they looked at D.O.'s pissed face.

"CHANYEOL!!! My eyes are not that big!" D.O. shouted, resulting the van to be filled with their laughter even more. Chanyeol was practically crying, "Kyungsoo, I NEVER SAID YOUR EYES ARE BIG!". Chanyeol's line definitely made their laughter worse. D.O.'s face just went for a deeper shade of red as he crosses his arms and looked out the window to sulk.

By then, even their driver was laughing hard. Suho was sitting next to the driver and was laughing while looking at the back seat. "D.O. is seriously cute though!" Suho said as he turned around to face the road. It was a beautiful night to drive, with the night breeze dancing invisibly against their faces, its like as if it could blow away their worries. One thing that flawed the nice night drive was the driver's attitude on the road. He liked to drive fast. Being the rule-abiding Suho, he did not like the way the driver drives and worried for his members' safety. Praying hard, he hoped that all goes well for them.

-Back to Sashimi-

"Yes! You're awesome, Sashimi!" she cried out to the night as her satisfaction portrayed clearly on her small face. Chanyeol's poster was fixed. She held it far back to admire him.

"Ahh, if only I could see you again Chanyeol oppa," Sashimi murmured as her mind travelled back to the moments she spent with him. She was so absorbed, she did not realise that a speeding van was headed towards her. 

-In the van-

"AIgoo, there seems to be a girl there though," said the driver to himself as he flashed the highbeam a few times to warn the oblivious girl. The driver looked at Suho and saw that he was fast asleep. He glanced behind and saw that the others were in a similar state. He smiled mischievously. "No one would know," he shrugged as he began to speed up. "Too bad the horn was wrecked,".

Little did he know that Chanyeol was still awake, deep in his thoughts with music blasting in his ears in the back seat. The van jerked due to a bumper and that made Chanyeol snap out of his thoughts. He was puzzled at first, then he tried to look past his sleeping members towards the road ahead. Then and there, it clicked that the driver was speeding towards a girl sitting in the middle of the road. 

Chanyeol reassured himself that the driver is going to drive past the girl. But then panicked as he saw the driver smiling and stepping on the gas even harder. Time was ticking by but it felt like everything was in slow motion for Chanyeol. The girl was appearing nearer and nearer as the van sped at full force towards her, with her being wholly oblivious to the fact that she might be a hit and run victim. Chanyeol's eyes widen with terror as he broke in cold sweat. With all his might, he shouted, "AHJUSSHI!!!!!!" 

But it was too late. And just for a split second, the girl who had her back towards them, turned her head to look at the van. Just then, right before a dreadful thud was heard, right before her head hit the road, right before red blood decorated the dull grey road, Chanyeol saw her face. 

It was the same girl who had him wandering off into deep thoughts, Sashimi.


Hello there :)

Sorry for the awfully long delay :( I had my finals coming up and could not find the time to write the next chapter. But anyway, here it is. Hope you guys have a blast reading it. Do vote and comment below :))

-Amal Azhari

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