Chapter Eleven~The Entrance To The Chamber Of Secrets.

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Harry and Seamus ran to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Harry had been in there previously when Hermione had tested a polyjuice potion. They walked in to find Moaning Myrtle perching on the window sill. "Oh. Hello Harry! What do you want?" Myrtle said while looking dreamily at him. She had her hair in piggy-tails and round glasses sat on her nose. "To ask you how you died." Harry admitted. Myrtle seemed flattered to be asked such a question. "Oh, it was horrid!" She spoke with relish "It happened right here in this very bathroom. I remember it ever so clearly. Olive Hornby was mocking me because of my glasses and I ran here crying. I heard someone come in, they said something strange, a different language of some kind. It was a boy speaking, I unlocked the door and yelled at him to GO AWAY and then- I died." Harry and Seamus looked a little disappointed with how she told it, they were expecting a lot more. "Jus' like t'at?" Seamus wondered feeling confused while scratching his head. "Yes. All I remember is seeing a great pair of yellow eyes right by that sink over there." She replied before singing in the air. 

Harry and Seamus hurried over to it. The sink looked normal. They examined every little bit of it. Harry then noticed a small tiny snake carved onto the side of the tap. " 'Arry, say somet'ing in Parseltongue." Seamus suggested. Harry concentrated immensely and imagined that the tiny engraving was a real snake. "Open up." He whispered but the words were in Parseltongue. The sink began to spin and move leaving a wide pipe exposed, large enough for them to slide into. "We've going down there." Harry announced. Harry went first. It felt like he was speeding down an endless, slimy, dark slide. He then landed on the floor with a wet thud. Seamus landed shortly after him. They were surrounded by complete darkness. "Lumos!" Thy both pronounced in unison as their wands lit up with a miniature ball of light. They ran through a tunnel. " 'member. Any movement, close ye eyes." Seamus reminded quickly. It was extremely silent until the sound of crunching was heard when they walked over a heap of animal bones. They were both trying not to imagine what Shannon would be like.

After walking for what seemed ages they reached the end of the tunnel. In front of them was a solid wall which two entwined snakes were carved, their eyes set with grand glistening emeralds. They approached it, their throats dry. Seamus looked at Harry. Harry cleared his throat "Open." He spoke in a low, faint hiss. The snakes separated as the wall cracked open. They strolled inside nervously.

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