Chapter Eighteen~Draco's Disappearances.

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Draco wasn't turning to any of his lessons and when he returned to the common room he went straight to bed with out acknowledging Chloe at all. After her History of Magic class, which Draco had skipped, Chloe decided to sit in the common room for her break. Draco stormed in and just before he went upstairs Chloe stopped him. "Wait! Draco, come 'ere. Please." She begged. Draco turned around, his eyes were red, had he been crying? "Seriously Draco, what's wrong? Ye've been ignoring me. Ye've skipped every class. Ye've been storming up t' ye room every day without saying anyt'ing t' me. You're not yeself anymore. I feel so distant from ye now. When's the last time we went on a date? When's the last time we were happy? I'm fed up Draco. Ye are worrying me to death. Please, jus' tell me what's happened, I'm not goin' t' judge ye. I love ye, not'ing will change t'at." Chloe cried, her voice full of concern and care. Draco sighed and walked towards her. 

Draco broke down in tears. "Please. Don't hate me." He said choking on his tears. He rolled up his sleeve and there it was, the thing that made everything more clear, the Dark mark was tattooed on his arm. "Oh Draco." Chloe simply commented, she was speechless. She expected this as soon as she discovered his father was a Death Eater himself. "I'm so sorry darling, I had no choice. If I said no he would've ki-" Draco panicked before Chloe interrupted him by placing her index finger on his lips. "Where 'ave ye been goin'?" Chloe questioned. Draco thought for a while, should he risk showing her? Then again he could trust her with his heart. "I'll show you." He replied. Draco entwined his fingers with hers perfectly before dragging her behind him.

Shannon was sitting next to Ginny and her brother discussing the future in the empty common room when Harry sprinted through the door with the potion book in his hand and a startled expression on his face. " 'Arry? Sweetie? Are ye alright?" Shannon inquired. Harry shook his head and threw himself on the ground shaking with terror. "I didn't mean to hurt him, I swear." Harry mumbled. Shannon shared bewildered looks with Ginny and Seamus. "Wait, hurt who? What did ye do?" Shannon wondered. "Th-This third year made fun of Sirius, I was angry. I looked through the book and found this spell and cast it at him, he nearly- died..." Harry panicked. Shannon looked at the spell he was pointing too. It read 'Sectumsempra: for enemies.' "Ye need t' get rid of t'at book mate, now." Seamus suggested. Harry agreed. Shannon took it outside and threw it above the trees of the forbidden forest. When she returned Harry thanked her with a soft loving kiss on her baby pink lips.

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