Chapter Five~Professor Quirrell's Scary Secret.

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When their Defence Against The Dark Arts class had finished the next afternoon Harry, Shannon, Draco, Chloe and an addition of Harry's best friends Ron and Hermione all began following Professor Quirrell as once again, he was acting in a suspicious manner. They followed him through the many corridors until they got to the stairs of which he climbed up to the third  floor. "Why's he going to the third floor? That's banned! Supposed to be really dangerous!" Hermione wondered as she watched him creep up the steps. "Let's find out." Harry whispered. Hermione did not like that idea one bit but she followed them anyway. Behind a battered wooden door lay a vast three headed dog which was sleeping along to a gentle melody played by a golden harp. They all shared looks of fright. They then noticed the trapdoor so with out further or do they carefully jumped down it. 

Cold, damp air rushed past them as they fell down, down, down and- CLUMP. With a strange, muffled landing they all landed on something soft and spongy and looked a lot like leaves. "What's this?" Ron asked feeling worried. "Devil's snare. Just relax everyone, you will get t'rough it t'en, c'mon." Shannon explained. They all obeyed and surely enough they landed on the ground underneath them. They strolled through a stone passage to where they heard a light fluttering sound. They looked up to find 100's of big and small keys with miniature wings, they then noticed a broom. "Who fancies looking for the right key?" Draco laughed. Chloe's hand shot up volunteering. She climbed on to the broom and rose into the air. She eventually found the right key and unlocked the door. The next room was set out on a checkered board like a common game of Wizard's chess. After playing a risky and dangerous game of chess, which resulted in Ron, Hermione and Draco getting slightly wounded, Chloe and Shannon and Harry went forward. The next chamber was very large but empty. Just as they predicted they found Professor Quirrell there, the was in front of a mirror. He turned around in a flash when he heard their footsteps. "YOU! What are you doing here?" He questioned slyly, his normal nervous tone was now non existent and replaced with a strong forceful one. "You were acting suspicious, more importantly, what are you doing here Professor?" Harry answered. Professor Quirrell indicated for them to come closer to him.

"This Harry is the Mirror of Erisid. It shows our deepest, desperate desires of our hearts. " He explained. Harry stepped in front of the mirror to see his parents beaming back at him beside him. "I see my parents." He grinned. Professor Quirrell snorted in a high pitched and completely unnecessary laugh. "Pathetic." Harry looked at him bewildered, he did not expect him to say that at all. This was a new man entirely. "Seeing as you're finding 'Arry's so funny, what do you see then?" Shannon snapped at him. "I see the Thorloki stone." He smirked. They all shared looks of confusion. "Makes me stronger, immortal. Somehow I think it's in that mirror." Chloe rolled her eyes sarcastically. "You're not really a teacher, are ye?" Chloe commented. He chuckled loudly. "Clever girl. Of course p-p-poor P-P-Professor Quirrell isn't a teacher! I think it's time for you all to meet my master!" He replied with a crazy laugh. He unwrapped his turban to reveal another face on the back of his own, this very face made Harry's scar wince with pain. It was weak. It was crystal white with blood red eyes and a slit for a nose, like a snake. "Harry Potter." He spoke roughly. They all took a step backwards. "It's you isn't it? Lord Voldemort. You killed my parents." Harry inquired. The face nodded harshly. "You're very brave to say my name Harry Potter, the boy who lived. Look in the mirror again boy." He instructed angrily before Qurriell pushed him into the frame as he was refusing. "What do you see?" Voldemort said with a husky low voice. Harry saw himself in the reflection but this time with a green stone in his hand which he slipped into his trouser pocket. The Thorloki stone was in his possession right then, he felt it's sharp edges.

"Well... what do you see Potter?" Harry lied. "LIAR! You have the stone, in your pocket, hand it to me and I'll give you the chance to see your parents once more. Just give me the stone!" Harry saw his parents again staring back at him in the glass, his heart broke and a lump appeared in his throat. "NEVER!" He yelled. Furiously Voldemort made Quirrell go and grab it but Harry stopped him causing Qurriell to grip onto him hard. " 'Arry! Touch his skin!" Shannon screamed. Harry obeyed. He slammed his palm onto his face. He began burning away quickly causing him to cry with pain. "GET HIM! GET THE BOY!" Voldemort ordered. Quirrell launched himself at him which Harry responded by touching his skin once more and repeated till the body was no more and the stone was still his. Next thing they all knew they were all in the Hospital recovering. Dumbledore explained that the stone was destroyed. That was the end of the first year.

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