Chapter Four~P-P-Professor Q-Quirrell.

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After their first lessons 1st year and 2nd year Slytherins and Gryffindors had a huge practical Defence Against The Dark Arts lesson with Professor Quirrel. They all gathered in a large classroom and waited for his instructions. "G-Good m-morning st-students. I'm P-P-Professor Quirrell, your Defence A-Against The D-D-Dark Ar-Arts teacher. Please f-find a partner a-and c-copy me." He stuttered nervously. He wore a long purple robe with a purple turban wrapped around his head to match. Shannon and Chloe looked around for a partner. "Shannon! Come work with me!" Harry called. She agreed and joined him. Draco then tapped Chloe on the shoulder. "Be with me? For the work I mean..." He asked. She nodded smiling. Once everyone got into pairs they followed Professor Quirrel's defence method step by step then repeated it with their pairs while he checked on them.

"H-How you both d-doing H-Harry P-P-Potter?" Professor Quirrell wondered while he stood there watching them work. "Fine thank you Professor. Nice to meet you by the way." Harry replied before going to shake his hand. Professor Quirrell jumped back in panic. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" He shouted in a worried tone before leaving the classroom in a flash. "What's t'at all about?" Shannon said confused. Harry shrugged. "I don't know but something's not right here..." Harry answered. Chloe and Draco joined them, much to Draco's repugnance, he and Harry hadn't got off on the right foot. "Wonder what's up with him. He shakes everyone else's 'and. Strange." Chloe commented with a strong tone of complete bewilderment. "Hmm. Weird. I think we should follow him tomorrow." Harry suggested. They agreed. 

Later on at midnight Harry rolled around in his bed, he struggled to sleep, too much was on his mind. He got up, put his glasses back on and climbed down the stairs and walked into the common room to find Shannon awake too. She smiled when she saw him. "Couldn't sleep either?" She inquired as he sat next to her. He shook his head. "I can never sleep straight away, it's a habit of mine, it annoys Chloe sometimes at home. We might as well make t'is time useful. Tell me more about yeself 'Arry. I want t' know ye more." She beamed. Harry thought for a few seconds before telling her "Full name's Harry James Potter. Born 31st July 1980. I live with a muggle family called the Dursleys, not the nicest of people to say the least. And basically I just wish my parents were here..." Shannon looked at him sympathetically which he appreciated. She then returned by telling him about herself. "Full name's Shannon Louise Finnigan. Born 13th September 1981. I live with me mam, dad, Chloe and Seamus in Dublin. That's honestly it." She said back. He looked interested. They spoke for an hour until they felt sleepy. "Good night 'Arry." Shannon spoke softly,  kissing him on the cheek sweetly and going upstairs to her room. "Good night Princess." He answered quietly before going up to his own room.

Chloe was reading a The Avengers comic strip in the common room at late at night when Draco appeared beside her. She smiled warmly at him and he took a seat next to her on the sofa. "What's that you reading?" Draco asked confused by the colourful pictures that she was looking at with pure delight. "It's called a comic book. Me mam and dad buys me and Shannon t'em at home all the time. T'ey're a muggle invention. T'is one is about super people called The Avengers." Chloe explained. "Aah. As we both can't sleep, why don't we talk? Tell me more about yourself, I'm intrigued." Draco suggested happily as he pierced deeply into her eyes with massive interest. "Okay. Full name's Chloe Hayden Finnigan. Born on 13th September 1981. I live with me mam and dad and Shann and Seamus. T' be fair, t'at's really the basics, you?" Chloe told him confidently. Draco said back "Full name's Draco Lucius Malfoy. Born 5th June 1980. Live with my mother and father." They talked for 2 hours before feeling very enervated and both starting to drift off on the sofa. "Good night beautiful." Draco whispered softly before kissing her cheek and forehead making butterflies erupt in her stomach. "N'night." She spoke back feeling glad he wasn't her facing then as her cheeks took a bright crimson colour from embarrassment.

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