My Self Harm Assesment

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Sex: Female

Lable yourself: Lost

How Long Have You Been Cutting?

For a couple months

Favorite tool: I took out the blades on my razor and duck taped the end that I hold

Where(place) do you cut: In the shower/bathroom

Do you have to wear long sleeves/ Pants? NOPE

Do you cut on your stomache or chest? Niether, my sides

Are you arms legs and other body parts covered in scars?

Other body parts.(Sides)

Whats your favorite exuse when someone sees your cuts?

I was climbing a tree and cut my sides on it

Have you ever been hospitalized from cutting?


When was the last time you cut?

:( Idk a long time ago

Off the top of your head how many scars do you have?

I cant even count them. Hundreds

Do you have diagnosed depression and or biopolarness?


Who knows you cut?

My friends Viola, amanda, amber and bree, and my mom :/

Have you ever been caught cutting? Nope

Have your parents ever confronted you about a bloody sleve or towle? No

Did you have a good childhood? I guess yea. I just had to grow up fast and i was kinda not fully in the picture

Have you ever seen or talked to a guidance counsoler of therapest? No but i should

Do you want to stop cutting? No but i had to :(

Why do you cut? All diffrent reasons. Im alone.

How many times have you attempted suicide? Never have

Do you like wathing movies with self harm? Yea, actuatlly cyberbully- it lets me know that im not the only one.

Do you like looking at pictures of self harm? I usually compare what mine look like to what the picture looks like.

Have you ever taken any pitures of your cuts/cuts?

Yea i was gonna get help, but then deleted them.

Do you want to die? No. I want to be happy

What do you like to listen to while cutting?

I dont listen to anything. Silence

Have you ever needed stitches from your cuts? Nope

Do you dream about cutting? Actually a couple times.... it was scary

What do you use to bandage your cuts? I use a washcoth or if they are really bad bandaids and metical tape

Those are my honust answers </3

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