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Your ex boyfriend/girlfriend whom you dated for a long while who took you the longest time to get over, texts you one day out of the blue:

Ex: Hey.... Do you still have feelings for me?.?.?

(You really had just finally gotten over the love of your life realizing that you longer needed them.)

You: Well yea...

(The status bar shows your still typing but your ex replies before you can finish typing.)

Ex: Really!?!?

(You finished you message and sent it)

You: I have a strong feelings of: Hate, Regret, Hate, Disapointment, Lothing, and well to put it simply I feel like ripping off you dick a stringing it up from the celing like from the first scary movie we ever watched together..... But my movie will be called Cunt Cutting Feeling. So yea! I've got some strong feelings.....

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