T r u t h < 3

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You have a soul;

You have a mind;

You are not fat,

You only have fat.

You also have fingernails, but that does not mean you are fingernails.

You have hair, but that doesn't mean you are hair.

Do you guys understand what I'm saying? Everybody has fat; But that does NOT mean you are fat!!!

Everybody says "I look so fat" but who are you to be the judge of that? (Sorry for the rhyme... not on purpose)

Curves are b e a u t i f u l.

I mean think about this! No one ever wanted to cuddle with a stick! You would much rather cuddle with a comfortable pillow to grab onto. Am I Right?

Everyone, for 2014 I want you guys to look in the mirror either in the morning when you wake up or at night after your shower and pick out 3 features about yourself that you like. It can be anything.

Personally I am in love with my eyes. Yes they are brown, but I love them none the less. I love my smile and personality as well.

I hope you all had a great holiday season! <3 If you guys want to I would be honored if you would comment your new year resolution and (or) what you love about yourself :)

Thank you guys! This book has 425+ reads. I owe it to you guys! <3


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