Water is deep ♡

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Please just think about this statement...

- There is an ocean, its deeper than we know with so much undescovered.

If you are to throw a rock into the ocean, what will happen?

Think about that.

I can bet you are thinking that it would make a splashing noise and cause a ripple or maybe even splash in the water.

But some of you reading this will realise its going to sink.

But how far do you think that rock is going to go down? Well I can tell you its not going to stop in the middle of the ocean and float there. Its going to go down deep, father than anyone knows...

Even for some of the scientific people reading this, you know that eventually that rock will re-surface one day due to currents.

What I'm really trying to get accrost here is, the words you say, are just like those rocks thrown into the ocean. When you say them, they are going to break the surface of a persons heart and sink down deep.

And one day, when there are too many emotions, all those words are going to build up and come out as a form of destruction. That person might hurt themselfs because of what you said. Or maybe they will just give up, because that stone you threw was to heavy to every re-surface. It will stay built up inside that person as long as they live....

And that's pretty scary......

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